Meditate On
And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you
are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary
has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”
Luke 10:41–42
From Doing One Thing
Sometimes, the hardest thing for us to do is to sit down!
Indeed, one of the most challenging things we can do is to cease from our own
efforts and rest solely in Jesus’ unmerited favor. Often, we are like
Martha—worried, busy and troubled about many things. It can all be legitimate
things that we are worried about. In Martha’s case, she was trying her best to
serve the Lord. She ended up doing many things that day, but missed out on
doing the one thing that was actually needful.
Now, is it practical to just be occupied with Jesus?
Absolutely. We find that later, in the Gospel of John, Mary took a pound of
very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet
with her hair to prepare Him for His burial (John 12:3–8). On resurrection
morning, some women came with ointment to anoint Jesus’ body, but it was too
late then. They were doing the right thing, but at the wrong time. The Lord had
already risen. But Mary had done the right thing at the right time.
Beloved, when you do the one thing that is needful, you
will end up doing the right thing at the right time, and God will cause all
that you touch to be amazingly blessed!