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Friday, June 23, 2017


Meditate On

For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.

Mark 11:23

            Pray With A New Covenant Mindset
Did you know that when it came to a blessing (rain for Israel), Elijah prayed hard by bowing his head between his knees (Kings 18:41–45)? But when it came to a curse (drought for Israel), he simply declared it with confidence (1 Kings 17:1). Why? It’s because Elijah had more faith in God’s judgment than in God’s goodness! He was an old covenant prophet with an old covenant mindset when it came to prayer!

My friend, old covenant prophets call your sins to remembrance and deliver to you the judgment and punishment of God. They are judgment-minded. New covenant prophets, on the other hand, call your forgiveness and righteousness in Christ to remembrance, and point you to the finished work of Christ.

So when it comes to praying, do you have an old covenant mindset that says, “God is quick to curse but slow to bless,” or do you have a new covenant mindset that says, “Because of Jesus, God doesn’t curse me but is quick to bless me”? I encourage you to put on a new covenant mindset. Know that because of Jesus’ finished work at the cross, if you need a blessing today, you don’t have to pray hard and long, as if God is reluctant to bless you. No, all you have to do is boldly declare the blessing in faith and it will come to pass!

So when it comes to praying, do you have an old covenant mindset that says, “God is quick to curse but slow to bless,” or do you have a new covenant mindset that says, “Because of Jesus, God doesn’t curse me but is quick to bless me”? I encourage you to put on a new covenant mindset. Know that because of Jesus’ finished work at the cross, if you need a blessing today, you don’t have to pray hard and long, as if God is reluctant to bless you. No, all you have to do is boldly declare the blessing in faith and it will come to pass!




Meditate On

...The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].

James 5:16, AMP

            What Earnest Prayer Is To God    
The Bible tells us that when Elijah prayed earnestly that it would not rain, it did not rain on the land for three years and six months (James 5:17).

You might be thinking, That must’ve been some prayer! I’d like to learn how to pray like that. So how did Elijah pray “earnestly”? You’ll be surprised to know that his prayer was not a long, intense, sweat-inducing prayer. No dropping to his knees to plead with God for hours or days. Elijah’s earnest prayer was just a simple declaration of faith: “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word” (1 Kings 17:1). He simply declared in faith that there would be no rain.

My friend, can you see that our idea of praying earnestly is very different from that of God’s? Today, you don’t have to beg God for your miracle, because He is more than willing to meet your need. All you need to do is to trust His grace and speak to your mountain in faith. That’s praying earnestly to God. That’s an effective prayer that will produce dynamic, wonderful results!




Meditate On

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

Romans 8:14

            Supernatural Management 

As a son of the Most High God, you can expect to be led by His Spirit in all areas of life. God doesn’t want you to manage your life in your own strength and get frustrated with mediocre or even disastrous results. He wants you to do it by His Spirit and get results that are divinely orchestrated!

For example, I’ve found that when God wants me to focus on a particular ministry in church, He will usually place that ministry on my heart for a whole week or month. Then, within that period, He will cause me to bump into people who have something to tell me about that ministry. Sometimes, my wife will bring up that ministry “out of the blue.” I don’t have to be a rocket scientist then to know that God wants me to pay attention to that ministry!

My friend, God can do the same for you when it comes to your family or career. God can lead you to focus on one child who may be having a hard time in school because of a bully. In the office, He may bring a particular area of your work that may have been mishandled or neglected to your attention. Whatever it is, God’s Spirit in you can show you what you need to know. He can lead you through people or promptings in your heart. Beloved, expect to see and receive His leading as a provision of His grace—to supernaturally manage your life and enjoy good success!




Meditate On

He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

Psalm 107:20

            Meditating On God’s Word Brings Healing          

A brother from the United States wrote to me with a wonderful praise report. He said that he’d been suffering pain in his upper back for almost two years. One day, after reading my teaching about meditating on God’s Word, he decided to run with it. So on his way home from work that day, he decided to just meditate on Psalm 23:1, speaking it to himself over and over again—“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

He said that he must have muttered the verse at least 50 times as he pondered on Jesus being a good shepherd to him—how kind Jesus is to provide for him, lead him, tend lovingly to his needs and heal him.

The effect? “Every breath seemed to just release deeper and deeper waves of healing throughout my entire being and I started to notice the pain in my back just dissipate,” he shared happily. “And by the time I got home, all the pain was gone!”

Beloved, if you need healing in your body today, I encourage you to prioritize God’s Word. Meditate on it. Speak it and declare it over yourself. By His Word, God heals and delivers His people from every kind of destruction!




Meditate On

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Joshua 1:8

            Victory In Every Challenge

Moses, the great leader of the Israelites, has just died, and Joshua is put in charge. His assignment? Lead some three million people, who tend to complain and doubt God, into the promised land. That would also mean conquering many cities and defeating warriors more than 10 feet tall!

God knows that Joshua needs His help. So He gives him the secret to winning all the battles and seeing good success in all that he does: Meditate day and night on His Word. Joshua runs with God’s instruction and finds himself winning every battle and succeeding in every task!

What’s your “battle” today? Do you have to manage difficult people in your department or classroom? Are you facing the giants of fear and lack? God has given you the key to victory. Run with it and win every battle! Meditate day and night on His Word and see good success in all your endeavors!




Meditate On

For as the rain comes down, and the snow from shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth...

Isaiah 55:10–11

            Receive His Word, Bite-sized
God holds the entire universe in the palm of His hand. His knowledge is fathomless and His wisdom knows no limits. If He were to release all His knowledge and wisdom on us at one go, our finite brains would not be able to take it! That’s why in the Book of Isaiah, it says that God’s Word proceeds from His mouth and comes down to us like the rain and snow—in bite-sized droplets or flakes.

My friend, God wants you to partake of His Word, and He gives you nourishment from it in bite-sized portions that you can easily digest. So don’t worry about not understanding a whole sermon or an entire chapter in the Bible. Just trust the Holy Spirit to impart to you what you need to know—it will be more than enough nourishment for the day.

Just one word of wisdom from the Lord through His Word can change your entire situation. Just one word from His mouth can break that lifelong addiction, drive out that disease, restore that broken marriage or give you a great business idea. You don’t have to understand the entire Bible to make your way successful each day. Just be sure to collect and consume those bite-sized portions of God’s Word every day!




Meditate On

My son, give attention to my words...Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.
Proverbs 4:20–22

            Get God’s Medicine In You

One of my heroes from the 1800s is a man of faith called George Muller. With faith in God, he built five large orphanages and housed some 2,000 orphans annually. He never asked a soul for money, but brought every need before the Lord. He literally prayed in millions of dollars throughout his life to keep those orphanages going.

Muller did the Lord’s work tirelessly each day. At age 70, he even began a 17-year period of missionary travels and preached in almost 40 countries. He travelled more than 200,000 miles, an incredible achievement during pre-aviation times. At age 93, after being visited by two much younger friends, he later commented with gratefulness to God that he was much more energetic than them, with no aches or pains.

My friend, do you want to know what one of Muller’s secret to a long and healthy life was? It was his love of immersing himself in the Scriptures, and his life was a testimony of the constant recuperative power the Word exercised over or upon his whole being!

If your health has been poor lately, get into the Word. Ask the Lord to give you a renewed love for His Word. Saturate your heart and mind with His life-giving words each day. You can start by reading the healing miracles of Jesus. See His love and compassion for the sick, and His willingness to heal them. Write down a couple of healing scriptures and meditate on them, speaking them over your body and keeping them in the midst of your heart. Beloved, you will find that God’s Word is indeed life and health to your entire being!




Meditate On

And the Lord said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man.”

Judges 6:16

            You Mighty Man Or Woman Of Valor!    

Gideon lived with a lot of fear. In fact, he so feared his enemies that he threshed wheat in a winepress at night to hide himself and the wheat from them! Before he fought and prevailed against the Midianites, he first fought to insist that he was the weakest and least able of all the men in Israel (Judges 6:15)!

That’s how Gideon honestly saw himself. But how did the Lord see him? Just the opposite! He saw Gideon as a “mighty man of valor,” and even picked him to save Israel from the hands of the Medianites, which he did.

My friend, do you see yourself as a coward, a loser? Have people said that of you? Today, I want to challenge you to see yourself the way the Lord sees you—a mighty man or woman of valor! Take time to meditate on Gideon’s story. See the Lord with you as He was with Gideon. Then, trusting in the Lord, apply for that dream job. Go for that audition or course you've always wanted to take. Conquer every fear for He is with you!




Meditate On

For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.

Hebrews 10:14, NASB

            God Sees What You Can Become By His Grace  

When God was with Moses on Mount Sinai, the Israelites became impatient and asked Aaron, whom Moses had left in-charge, to make them other gods to worship. And without so much as a word of protest, Aaron crafted a calf from the gold that the people had given him, so that they could worship it. While this abomination was happening, God was telling Moses that Aaron would be His very first high priest: “Call for your brother, Aaron, and his sons...Set them apart from the rest of the people of Israel so they may minister to me and be my priests” (Exodus 28:1).

Didn’t God know what was happening down below? Of course He knew, but He did not see Aaron as he was then. He saw what Aaron would become by His grace—His undeserved, unmerited favor. God saw Aaron representing the people before Him as high priest of the nation, and entering the Holy Place on the Day of Atonement.

My friend, as with Aaron, God knows all about your challenges and weaknesses. If a mistake you’ve made keeps coming back to haunt you, or if you have a weakness that keeps cropping up, don’t focus on it and get frustrated. Look through God’s eyes and see as He sees you by His grace.

To your heavenly Father, you are righteous in Christ, perfected and sanctified for all time by His finished work (2 Corinthians 5:21). Once you realize that this is how your Father sees you, you’ll begin to manifest it in your actions. Then, like Aaron, you will be able to rise above what you are now, and be the champion that God already sees you as through His grace!




Meditate On

And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”

Mark 5:34

            Go Into And Remain In Peace        

I had always thought that when Jesus told the woman who had been healed of a 12-year bleeding condition to “Go in peace,” He was just giving her a farewell greeting. One day, the Lord told me to check it up in the Greek. That’s when I found out that it actually reads, “Go into peace.”

I had also wondered why Jesus told her to “be healed of your affliction” when she was already healed the moment she touched Him. Again, when I looked up that phrase in the Greek, I realized that Jesus was actually telling her to be made whole, not just healed. In other words, Jesus ushered her into peace so that she could be made whole in every way—if she had been traumatized by previous medical procedures, she would have peace of mind and sound sleep.

My friend, Jesus not only wants to heal you, but He also wants to make you whole. Perhaps many things are troubling you today. Beloved, go into peace and remain in peace. How? By casting all your cares to the Lord. Keep your mind on Jesus’ faithfulness and goodness, and His perfect love for you. The Prince of Peace Himself will keep you in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3), bringing about healing and wholeness in your body and circumstances.




Meditate On

...Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side...

John 20:19–20

            How True Peace Comes      

After Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion, His disciples hid in the Upper Room, confused and terrified of what their Jewish brethren might do to them. Knowing exactly why they were there, and understanding their fears, the risen Lord appeared in their midst, and immediately said, “Peace, be with you.” Then, He did something significant—He “showed them His hands and His side.”

My friend, His pierced hands and side speak of His finished work. Jesus was telling His disciples that He had paid the price for their sins, that they needn’t be afraid of what was happening anymore, and that they could come boldly to God in their time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

Perhaps there are fears swirling in your mind today. Maybe it’s the thought of losing your job, or maybe it’s an alarming symptom in your body. Beloved, focusing on your problems won’t help you. Center your thoughts, instead, on the person of Jesus and all that He has accomplished for you at Calvary. When you keep your eyes on Jesus, His grace and His finished work, His peace will guard your heart and mind, and lead you to experience the victory He has already purchased for you.



Thursday, June 22, 2017


Meditate On

A sound heart is life to the body...

Proverbs 14:30


What is a “sound heart” that is life to the body?

In today’s verse, the word “sound” is the Hebrew word marpe, which is from the Hebrew word, rapha, meaning “heal.” Going just a bit deeper, you’ll find that the root word of rapha is the Hebrew word for “relax.”

Put it all together and what you’ll see is that a relaxed heart gives healing or health to our bodies. That’s why The Living Bible translates the verse as, “A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life.”

My friend, God wants you to have a heart that is at peace, and a relaxed attitude about the issues of life, so that you can walk in health. It’s no wonder Jesus said, “ not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on...” (Matthew 6:25). In that sermon, you will hear the constant refrain, “Do not worry”—because you have a loving heavenly Father who provides for you.

Today, choose to stop worrying about your health, finances, family, career or whatever is troubling you. Do what needs to be done but entrust the matter to God and trust Him to guide you (Proverbs 3:6). Cast every care upon Him, knowing that He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Beloved, make a decision today not to let your heart be agitated or disturbed, and step into a greater measure of health and wholeness for yourself!




Meditate On

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
1 Peter 5:7, NLT

            Let Go And See God’s Supply Flow          

There is a story of a young man who struggled to make ends meet. One day, he got six pieces of white cardboard paper and wrote down these six letters: “L-E-T G-O-D.” This was to remind him to stop worrying and striving to provide for himself and his family, and to let God take over. He placed the cards upright on his dressing table so that he would be reminded each day to let God provide for him.

Well, days passed and nothing changed. He was still in lack and became even more worried, anxious and frustrated. One day, out of desperation, he prayed, “God, please, I really want to know how to ‘let You.’ I want You to take over and supply all my needs, but I don’t know how to! God, please answer me.” The window in his room was open. A wind blew in—whoosh!—and one of the cards fell off the table. It was the last card with the letter “D.” The man looked up and saw the remaining cards spell the words, “LET GO.”

My friend, the way you LET GOD provide for you is to LET GO! Let go and stop worrying about the problem. Cast it into the hands of Almighty God who cares for you and leave it there, and you will begin to see His grace and provision flow freely in your life!




Meditate On

...Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

Genesis 6:8

            Rest Finds Grace      

The first time the word “grace” appears in the Bible is in the story of Noah—“Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8). Noah’s name means “rest,” so the verse is showing us here that “Rest found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”

My friend, the enemy gets you off-track by getting you out of rest. How does he do this? By getting you into self-effort, where you trust in your own abilities to solve your problem. He wants you running around frantically looking for a solution, feeling anxious and troubled. But God wants you restful, trusting in Him and allowing Him to lead you to victory. Look at Jesus in the Gospels. No one was more restful than Him, yet no one was more effective than He was! Jesus rested in the love of His Father and only did what He saw His Father doing—there was no self-effort.

Beloved, stop striving through your own efforts and rest in the Lord’s love for you. Rest by trusting in His finished work. That’s how you allow Him to direct you with divine wisdom to His divine solutions. That’s how you allow His grace to abound in your life. His grace will stop that addiction. His grace will drive out that disease. His grace will fill your areas of lack and lead you to abundance and victory!




Meditate On

…Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

2 Corinthians 6:2

            Your Time Is Now!  

Beware of two thieves in your life. They are called “yesterday” and “tomorrow.” They will try to rob you of your present joy. Yesterday will remind you of your past mistakes and mire you in regret. Tomorrow will remind you of your upcoming challenges and try to drown you with worry.

Remember the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus? One of them lived in his past (yesterday). So conscious of all that he had done, he could not repent and would not ask the Lord to save him. The other thief pointed the Lord to the future (tomorrow), saying, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” Jesus’ answer was “today”—“today you will be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:42–43). Jesus saved him that very day!

Beloved, Jesus was crucified in the midst of these two thieves to redeem you from being robbed left and right of your present joy and peace. You don’t have to live life regretting the past or worrying about the future. When it comes to your salvation, God has only one timing—now. His Word says that “now is the accepted time…now is the day of salvation.” If you are sick, God wants you healed now. Is that hard to believe? Look at how Jesus healed the sick. He never told any one of them who came to Him, “Not today. Come back tomorrow,” or “You are too late. You should have come yesterday.”

My friend, God wants to help you today, not tomorrow or next week. He is a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). Reach out now and take all the help you need from Him!




Meditate On

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27

            Guard Your Heart And God Will Guard The Rest         

In the modern, fast-paced world that we live in, there are always things to do: Drive the kids to school, make important phone calls, answer work emails, attend meetings, cook dinner, do the laundry, pay the bills…the list goes on.

It seems like we have so many responsibilities that it’s really difficult to not let our hearts be troubled by any one of them. But do you know what the Lord says about all this? He says that our only responsibility is to guard our hearts, and He’ll take care of the rest.

Meditate on this for a while: Our only responsibility is to guard our hearts and God will guard everything else. We guard our hearts on the inside, and whatever is on the outside, God will guard. So don’t worry about what’s happening on the outside. If your peace and restfulness depend on how things on the outside fair for you, the devil will have a field day with you because what’s on the outside is usually beyond your control.

Learn to guard your heart from being troubled and let God take care of the rest. Note that Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled…” So you are to let not your heart be troubled. No one else can do it for you. Meditate on His promises and love for you until they take root in your heart. It may take practice, but keep at it and you will find an inner peace and strength to face each day’s challenges and come out on top!




Meditate On

On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.”

Mark 4:35

            You Will Go Over And Not Under!           

Jesus was in a boat with His disciples and they were caught in a great windstorm. Water was coming into the boat and the disciples, fearing that they would drown, cried out to Jesus, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38).

The Lord arose immediately from His sleep and rebuked the storm—“Peace, be still!”—and there was a great calm. Then, He turned to His disciples and said, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” (Mark 4:39–40).

Now, why do you think Jesus questioned His disciples about their absence of faith? I believe that it was because they didn’t believe what Jesus had said to them earlier: “Let us cross over to the other side.”

My friend, Jesus, through His finished work, has given you victory in all things. Even if you are facing giant waves of adversity today, His Word promises you that you will get over to the other side victoriously. And when Jesus tells you that you are going over to the other side with Him, you are going over! You will not go under! Whatever situation you are in now, put your trust in Jesus, who is always with you, and arrive safely on “the other side”—to your breakthrough!



Meditate On

…So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float.

2 Kings 6:6

            Supernatural Cancellation Of Debt

Elisha’s prophets-in-training were cutting down trees near the Jordan River to use the wood to build a larger place to meet. But as one of them was chopping away, his iron ax head fell into the water and he cried, “Alas, master! For it was borrowed” (2 Kings 6:5). The man was upset because he was now in debt—he owed someone an ax head.

What did Elisha do? He threw a stick into the spot where the ax head had fallen, and the ax head floated up. Then, Elisha told the man who had lost the ax head to pick it up. You could say that this was a supernatural cancellation of debt!

My friend, if you have a debt today, know that God is interested in getting you out of it. Even if it was a result of your foolishness, God doesn’t hold it against you. In the story, Elisha didn’t ask whose fault it was or why the person was so careless. He was only interested in solving the problem. Many of the sins we commit are out of our own folly. Yet, God cancelled our debt of sin because Jesus paid the debt for us at Calvary. With that debt gone, we can freely receive all that God has for us.

Beloved, the stick that Elisha threw into the water speaks of the cross. So because of the cross of Jesus, today, you can have your debts supernaturally cancelled. As you bring your situation before the Lord, see the provision He made for you at the cross—God will give you the wisdom and the means to clear every debt!




Meditate On

…The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

            Health Through His Redemptive Work     

I encourage you to meditate on and visualize the redemptive work of Christ every day. In fact, it is especially when you are sick that you need to focus on the fact that Jesus was scourged for your healing. When you are experiencing disturbing or painful physical symptoms in your body, see Jesus taking all the stripes on His back for your healing. See His back being lacerated and shredded as payment for your wholeness, and every stripe will be healing to you.

Beloved, instead of meditating on the symptoms and how bad the condition is, meditate on what the Son of God has done for you. Say, “Thank You, Jesus. By Your stripes, I am healed.” All of heaven stands behind the work of the Son of God. And the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth inside you, will bear witness with the truth of God’s Word by giving life to your body. Hallelujah!




Meditate On

…The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

            Health Through His Redemptive Work     

I encourage you to meditate on and visualize the redemptive work of Christ every day. In fact, it is especially when you are sick that you need to focus on the fact that Jesus was scourged for your healing. When you are experiencing disturbing or painful physical symptoms in your body, see Jesus taking all the stripes on His back for your healing. See His back being lacerated and shredded as payment for your wholeness, and every stripe will be healing to you.

Beloved, instead of meditating on the symptoms and how bad the condition is, meditate on what the Son of God has done for you. Say, “Thank You, Jesus. By Your stripes, I am healed.” All of heaven stands behind the work of the Son of God. And the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth inside you, will bear witness with the truth of God’s Word by giving life to your body. Hallelujah!