139:9, 10
I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
man sat alone in the prison cell. Seldom did he get to see the light of day.
His cell was a cubicle of about five square feet. He could not even stretch out
to lie down. He had a straw mat and a can, and that completed the inventory of
his possessions. A window three inches wide and a foot high opened to the
outside world, but it was at least five feet above his head. The man sat and
wept, believing that even God would not find him in such a place as this.
as he sat on the floor, he saw a spider in the corner, weaving a delicate web.
It peacefully spun, and created an object of beautiful symmetry. The man
watched closely as the hours passed. In his heart, he knew that God would be
with him; that He did know where he was. With nothing more to hold onto, the
man was able to wait out his sentence in peace and quiet joy.
No matter where I may go, Father, be there with me. Help me to know that You
are always near and I have not been abandoned. With You by my side, I can make
it through anything. Amen.