the Lord pleased, that did He in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all
deep places.
the fun the Lord had creating all the animals of this world. With the power to
do whatever he pleased, He concocted a menagerie of some wonderful creatures.
Consider the giraffe, or the baboon, or the frog. What a host of funny-looking
creatures. Think of the splendor of the eagle, the grace of the gazelle, the
power of the tiger. God put so much into making His creation a good one. The
same is true of His children. God went to great lengths to make sure His
children were good. He even imparted in each and every one of them His own
image. He offered them free will and all the blessings because they pleased
Our God is a God of love, and nothing pleases Him more than to be able to
share that love. Indeed, we may be God's funniest creatures, but that only
makes Him love us all the more.
Prayer: Father, You must have a wonderful
sense of humor to put up with children like me. Forgive me for being less than
You created me to be. Help me to grow and mature and develop into Your image.