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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wisdom From The Psalms For 1/15/14

Psalm 129:6

Let them be as the grass upon the housetops, which withereth afore it groweth up.

People who live without God in their lives live without the roots that feed and strengthen all life. They have no protection against the storms of life that can uproot and destroy. When troubles increase, they wither like plants in a hot sun.

God is the true source of all that is needed to grow. Without Him, we can never reach our potential. Like the seed that falls to the rooftop, sprouts, then soon dies for lack of nourishment, so we, too, will die without the saving power of the Almighty in our lives.

Prayer: Feed me, protect me, nurture me, and make me grow, Lord. Send your life-giving Spirit upon me, and make me the best person that I can be. Amen.