sent divers sorts of flies among them, which devoured them; and frogs, which
destroyed them. He gave also their increase unt o the caterpillar, and their
labour unto the locust.
sent plagues upon the Egyptians, who persecuted the Hebrew people. Through
these afflictions, God sent the message that no one could do evil for long and
get away unpunished.
Our Lord doesn't supersede the laws of nature
often, but when He does, it is with good cause. And yet, even in the face of
the terrible plagues, the Egyptian pharaoh refused to believe. People who lack
the love of God in their lives so often refuse to admit they might be wrong. It
is easier to deny God than to do what is necessary to please Him. The Christian
refuses to deny her heart, and she continually acknowledges God's great works
for what they really are. In our own day, the Lord does not send many plagues
to afflict us, but there are definitely enough hardships to make us want to
reach out to Him.
We need God, and thankfully we have Him, every
step of the way.
My eyes are blind to many of Your great works, Lord. I miss so much of Your
greatness and love. Help me to see You in new ways each day. Amen.