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Sunday, November 07, 2010

Psalm 16:1-11
A Mikhtam of David.

Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in Thee.
[2] I said to the Lord, "Thou art my Lord;
I have no good besides Thee."
[3] As for the saints who are in the earth,
They are the majestic ones in whom is all my delight.
[4] The sorrows of those who have bartered for another god will be multiplied;
I shall not pour out their libations of blood,
Nor shall I take their names upon my lips.

[5] The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
Thou dost support my lot.
[6] The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me.

[7] I will bless the Lord who has counseled me;
Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night.
[8] I have set the Lord continually before me;
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
[9] Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices;
My flesh also will dwell securely.
[10] For Thou wilt not abandon my soul to Sheol;
Neither wilt Thou allow Thy Holy One to undergo decay.
[11] Thou wilt make known to me the path of life;
In Thy presence is fulness of joy;
In Thy right hand there are pleasures forever.

Psalm 16 - Psalm 16:1-11

Open It

* 1. To whom do you usually go for advice and why?
2. How have you experienced God’s guidance in your life?
Explore It
3. With what request did David open this psalm? (16:1)
4. What unifying prayer is the focus of this psalm? (16:1-11)
5. How did David demonstrate his dependence on the Lord? (16:2)
6. In what way did David benefit from the Lord? (16:2)
7. How did David feel about the “saints who are in the land”? (16:3)
8. What happens to people who “run after other gods”? (16:4)
9. What did David refuse to do, despite the example of those around him? (16:4)
10. From where did David gain his sense of security? (16:5, 8)
11. In what specific ways did God provide for David? (16:5-8)
12. What did God do for David? (16:5-8)
13. What attitude did David have toward what God had given him? (16:5-8)
14. How did David describe his inheritance? (16:6)
15. How did David react to the Lord’s blessings? (16:7-8)
* 16. In what specific ways did David experience the Lord’s guidance? (16:7-8)
* 17. What reasons did David give to explain his sense of security? (16:9-11)
18. How far did David’s confidence in the Lord extend? (16:10)
19. Who is the “Holy One”? (16:10)
* 20. What did David expect of his future? (16:11)

Get It

21. How can remembering God’s guidance in the past encourage you about the present or future?
22. How was this psalm fulfilled not only in the life of David, but also in the life of Jesus Christ?
* 23. In what areas of life do we often need wisdom beyond what we have?
* 24. In what ways can we turn to God to guide us?
25. In what ways do people run after other gods?
26. What activities, possessions, or people sometimes influence you more than God does?
27. How can we guard against putting activities, possessions, or people before the true God?
28. What action can you take to “set the Lord always before” you?
29. What inheritance has the Lord given you?
30. What attitude should you have toward the blessings God has given you?
31. How does your hope in the Lord extend beyond your earthly life?

Apply It

32. What is one way you can remind yourself of God’s supreme place in your life this week?
33. How can you say thank You to God for the good things you enjoy?
* 34. For what problem or need can you ask God to guide you this week?


Putting my trust in God
Blessed with a goodly heritage
Blessing the LORD for His counsel