Meditate On
For the promise that he would be the heir of the world
was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the
righteousness of faith.
Romans 4:13
Promise Is Received By Faith
In Romans 4:13, it is clear that God’s promise that
Abraham and his seed would be heirs of the world was not through the law, but
through the righteousness of faith.
Today, because we belong to Jesus, we are Abraham’s seed
and heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:29). And the more we believe
that we are righteous in Christ, the more we will experience His provision.
My friend, being an heir of the world and walking in
Abraham’s blessings of health, protection and abundant provision come by faith.
This is believing that even though we don’t deserve any blessing from God, we
have been made righteous by the sacrifice and finished work of His Son, and
qualify for all His blessings!
On the cross, Jesus took our sins and gave us His
righteousness. He took our poverty and gave us His abundance. He took our shame
and gave us His victory. Today, believe and meditate on the truth that you have
been made righteous by Jesus’ finished work, and start walking in the blessings
of Abraham!