Meditate On
For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the
one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of
righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17
Is A Gift
You cannot merit God’s blessings through your good works.
All His blessings, including the blessings of health, provision and success,
are wrapped up in the person of Jesus! When you have Jesus, you have the gift
of righteousness and the abundance of grace completely by His unmerited favor.
You cannot earn them, work for them or deserve them. They are gifts!
Jesus is your righteousness, holiness and redemption. You
are righteous, holy and redeemed (and blessed) not because of your good works,
but because you have received God’s provision of His Son.
And because Jesus can never fail or be removed from the
throne, you will always have Him as your righteousness, holiness and
redemption! I encourage you to meditate on this powerful truth today. It will
lift you out of the realm of doubt and fear and put you in the realm of faith
and hope. It will cause you to reign over your circumstances.
Now, put your hand on your heart and say this: “Jesus,
because I have You, I will always be righteous by Your precious blood. All the
blessings, provision, favor and success that belong to the righteous are mine
today and I receive them by faith! Amen and Amen!”