Meditate On
But if you remain in me and my words remain
in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!
John 15:7, NLT
On To The Word!
When the enemy attempts to steal from you
(John 10:10), what do you think he heads straight for? What do you think is the
most valuable and important thing that he wants to take away from you?
According to Jesus, it is the Word of God
(Mark 4:14–15). That’s what the enemy goes for, because he doesn’t want the
Word taking root in your heart and producing all kinds of good fruit in your
life. He knows that before he can steal your health, joy, peace and provisions,
he has to steal the Word from you. Without the truth of God’s Word guiding your
life, he can make you believe his lies and rob you blind.
That’s why, beloved, I encourage you to
hold on to the Word of His grace that you have heard. Study it, understand it,
keep it close to your heart and speak it over your life. Keep being reminded of
the gospel of His grace, whether it’s through listening to sermons or reading
books that are full of Jesus and His finished work. Don’t say, “I’ve heard it
all before.” No, keep hearing it. Let its roots go really deep. Let it build
you up, assure you of God’s faithfulness and cause you to walk in the rich
inheritance you have in Christ!