Meditate On
These things I have written to you who
believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal
life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.
1 John 5:13
Believing Produces Right Living
Everyone who came to Jesus for healing was
healed. Yet, there were those who were right in His presence that didn’t get
healed. Who were they?
They were the religious folk who focused on
right living outwardly, but didn’t have right believing inwardly—they didn’t
believe in Jesus. They had a form of self-righteousness and didn’t see their
need for the Savior. I am talking about the Pharisees. There is no record of
any one of them getting healed in the Gospels. The ones who got healed and
received miracles of provision, restoration and transformation from Him were
people who simply believed in Jesus and His goodness. They weren’t perfect in
their behavior, but they had right believing.
My friend, right believing is at the root
of right living. Right believing in the goodness and grace of our Lord Jesus is
like an “on” switch that allows His power and grace to flow into your life and
transform it. It gives you new desires and new strength. You will want to live
right for the glory of Jesus.
So don’t worry about right living. Instead,
make sure that you are believing right by constantly feeding on the gospel of
Jesus Christ. When you believe right, you will live right to the glory of God!