Meditate On
Beloved, I pray
that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul
3 John 1:2
It Happens On The Inside First
The apostle John
tells us that God’s wish is that we prosper and be in health, even as our soul
prospers. This means that our outward success, whether it’s in our health,
family life, career or finances, is linked to our inward soul prosperity.
My friend, if in
your heart and mind you can see yourself successful in a particular area of
your life, it’s only a matter of time that you will experience it outwardly.
For example, if you are chronically sick, stop seeing yourself weak and sickly.
Start seeing yourself healed, healthy, strong and full of life!
How do you do
that? Meditate on the Lord’s promises of health and healing for you, such as
Isaiah 53:5 or Jeremiah 30:17. Meditate on Jesus’ healing miracles and see His
compassion and willingness to heal you. Believe it. Visualize it. Thank Him for
it, and you will experience it!