Psalm 69:21
They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they
gave me vinegar to drink.
Sometimes we think things are going really bad in our lives.
It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking we're worse off than anyone else.
When we feel sorry for ourselves, all we need do is turn to the story of Jesus'
last few hours on earth. There the man who knew no sin became sin for us, so we
might have eternal life. He was tripped, beaten, spit upon, and when, as His
dying request, He asked for a drink to wet His lips, they put vinegar before
Him instead of water. No kindness was shown the Prince of Peace, the one who
had done nothing in His life to warrant such cruel mistreatment.
Compared with
the trial and misfortune of our Lord, we have very little to complain about. To
even compare ourselves to Him is to open ourselves to shame. Christ endured torment
and death upon a cross for our sake. Now, He abides with us to help us endure
every trial.
Prayer: I can hardly believe all that You did for me, Lord.
You walked this earth so that I might one day walk with You in heaven. Thank
you for giving me so much. Amen.