Thou has made the earth to tremble; thou hast broken it: heal the breached thereof; for it shaketh.
Bombs burst, shaking the walls of
the nearby houses. Villagers huddled inside, wondering when the thundering
blasts would end. Finally, the assault slacked off, and quiet replaced the
horrendous noise. Cautiously, people made their way from their homes to view
the devastation that lay around them. Their once-scenic village lay mostly in
ruin, the bombs having torn apart the beauty that had existed before.
Wars come and end, and always God
has slowly and carefully covered the scars of battle with beauty once
more. His great power stands against the
worst that humankind can do. So far we have not done irreparable damage, and by
God’s grace we never will, but it is good to know that the Lord is with us, to
heal all wounds and make all things new.
Prayer: The power of
humankind does not even compare with Your might, Lord. Save us from our own
destructiveness, and renew Your creation, which we carelessly destroy. Amen