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Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Psalm 18:20

The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath be recompensed me.

The children knew what to expect from their teacher. She rewarded those who gave their best efforts. It didn't matter so much that they were right all the time. What was important was that they tried to do the best they could. The dullest student was rewarded as often as the brightest, as long as he put forth effort. Year after year, the teacher turned out good students.

Putting forth a great deal of effort is much easier when we can feel we've accomplished something. There is a basic instinct within each of us that likes praise and reward. We need to feel that we are noticed when we do what is good and right. The Lord sees all that we do, and His pleasure is ever with us. His abundant blessings come to all who truly love Him and pursue Him with all their heart, mind, and soul.

Prayer: I will try to do my very best, God. I want to be the person You intend me to be. Assist me as I struggle to find You image within myself and shine forth that image for the whole world to see. Amen.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Psalm 18:17

He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me.

Young David was foolish to think he could succeed where the army or Israel had failed. The Philistines were mighty, they were mean, and they were excellent fighters. They had been unstoppable as they marched throughout the lands of the Middle East. What chance had one small boy against the leader of the mightiest fighting machine in history?

Alone, David would not have stood a chance, but David was not alone. As young as David was, he still had the wisdom to call upon God for help in his time of greatest need. Faith is the most powerful force in the universe, and it knows no age. The faith of a child is every bit as mighty as the faith of an older man or woman.

As we face problems that seem much too great for us to handle alone, we need to understand that the same problem is as nothing in the face of God. God is on our side, and He will surely help us whenever we call upon Him. David would not have faced his Goliath without God on his side. Should we ever face our own Goliath s without Him?

Prayer: Lord, send Your might to see me through the storms of life. When trials seem to gigantic to handle, be the source of my strength. Deliver me and comfort me, O Lord. Amen.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Psalm 18:3

I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so sha ll I be saved from mine enemies.

When Charlie was a boy, he used to dream of being like his favorite comic book hero. With super powers, Charlie knew he'd be unstoppable. No one could pick on him, no one could tell him what to do, and everybody would love him. As he grew older, Charlie grew sad to realize that no superhero life lay in his future. Superheroes were just myths.

Then, one day, Charlie found a new kind of hero. A friend of his gave him a New Testament and asked him to read it. Charlie was swept into a world where sin and evil came to an end, where good really did win, and where love was the strongest power of all. And the best thing was, everyone who believed could be a hero, too.

We need to choose our heroes carefully. Only one hero is worthy of our praise and allegiance, and that is Jesus Christ. Jesus will save us from our enemies, and He will set all things right. Follow Him, and He will grant you a power beyond belief.

Prayer: Dear God, I follow so many false heroes, thinking they might have something I need. Help me to remember that all I could ever need or want, You have already given me though the life of Your blessed Son. Amen.


Psalm 18:2

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Jennifer could hardly wait for her shift to be over. The nurses' station was a mad rush, and there was simply no time to even catch her breath. Some nights she wondered why she had ever gone into nursing. The pace was so crazy, and the work was exhausting, both mentally as well as physically. For a moment, Jennifer closed her eyes and said a quick prayer to the Lord, thanking Him for His great mercy and asking for just enough strength to make it through.

The Lord listens to our prayers, and He responds by giving us the strength we need to meet every situation. He truly is our strength of our fortress. Trust in the Lord, and He will grant you His peace.

Prayer: Dear Lord, there are times when I just don't think I can make it. Please grant me Your power to endure and succeed. Help me to remember that r eal strength comes from You. Amen.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Psalm 17:5

Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.

Burt had worked in high-rise construction all his life. Every day he would walk the girders high above the ground with apparent ease. In his lifetime he had seen a number of men plunge from the girders due to a mere moment of carelessness. As for himself, he knew he had been lucky. Each morning he began work only after saying a short prayer, asking the Lord to watch his movements through the day, keeping him safe from any mishap.

Though most of us never do anything as dangerous or risky as high-rise construction, we do stand in danger of falling to temptation. A fall like that is as devastating to the soul as a plunge from a high girder would be to our physical being. No matter how careful we try to be, we need someone to catch us when we stumble. God is that someone. He waits with open arms to catch His children when they fall. Rest easy in the knowledge that God guides your steps. He will protect those who put their trust in Him.

Prayer: I need Your guiding love, Almighty God. Without it, I am sure to fall. Thank You for being with me picking me up when I fall. Amen.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Psalm 17:3

Thou hast proved mine heart; thou hast visited me in the night; though hast tried me, and shalt find nothing; I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress.

Being a teacher for thirty years teaches you an awful lot. Ann had seen just about every trick in the book. The minute her back was turned, children would try all kinds of things. Often she would leave the room for a few minutes, just to see who her problem children were going to be. She would return suddenly and catch them in all stages of misbehavior. There were the exceptions, of course. Some children sat quietly whether she was in the room or not. Those children were rate treasures, but they often helped her keep her sanity.

All of us behave differently when we think we're being watched. Usually, we are on our best behavior when we know that someone else is around. The funny thing is, somebody is always with us: God. Is God pleased when He sees the way we act when we're alone? It is a wise person who tries to live righteously all the time, both when others are with him or her as well as when he or she is alone. God will help us be the people we are meant to be, if we will only ask. No one is more deserving of our best behavior than God.

Prayer: Lord, help me to give You my best, not my worst. Keep me ever mindful of Your presence, and be proud of who I am becoming. Amen.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Psalm 16:8

I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

The little boy rode his bicycle like a demon. He would pedal as fast as he could and fly down the street. He still had training wheels on his bicycle, though they did little to balance it. He had long since gained his balance, but he refused to let his parents remove them. Some of his friends made fun of him, but he felt safe and secure, so long as the training wheels were firmly in place.

All of us have times in our lives when we need something or someone to help us. Sometimes these things become crutches to us, but other times they give us the confidence and support we desperately need. God is the only support we truly need, and we can rest assured that He will always be close by. With God before us, we can stand up against anything. He is not a crutch. He's the source of all strength and power.

Prayer: Lord, be my strength. When I need help to get through the day, be with me and help me to know that You are there. Amen.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Psalm 16:4

Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.

Ralph had grown up desiring to be wealthy one day. He had worked hard, devoting himself to the pursuit of his precious money. Now he could honestly call himself rich, but he wasn't sure it was all he had dreamed it would be. He spent so much of his time protecting what he had accumulated. He lay awake at night worrying about investments, deals, taxes; anything and everything that might ruin his status. His every waking moment was tied up in the acquisition of more and more wealth. On rare occasions, Ralph found himself wishing for just a little peace of mind and a chance to forget about money for awhile.

The pursuit of God is one of the few life choices we can make that has no strings attached. We give very little, and receive so much. Money, fame, power, prestige all sound nice, but they require more effort than they are worth. Worse, they pay temporary benefits that fade away, leaving us empty, lost, and alone. Give your life to God, and walk in the ways that He chooses, and you will find that He will bless you continually.

Prayer: Turn me from the things that cannot offer me lasting satisfaction. Turn me instead, Lord, to the things that are eternal and holy. Amen.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Psalm 15:5

He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.

The young man was quite proud of himself. He ran a lawn-care service specifically targeted to older people who could not do the work for themselves. But, because he had them in a tough position, he charged them more than he ordinarily could have. Since they couldn't do the work themselves, and they often didn't know anyone else to contact, they had to pay his price. Publicly, he gained the reputation of being a champion of the elderly. Privately, he gloated over his shrewd maneuvering.

The Bible tells us that when we receive our rewards on earth, we have nothing to look forward to from God in the future. Our duty is to love and defend others, not take advantage of them. When we put other people's interests ahead of our own, then we can count on God's favor in the days to come.

Prayer: You have created everyone equally. Lord, and no one is more precious in Your sight than anyone else. Help me to see the value in all people, and do everything in my power to serve them and love them. Amen.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Psalm 15:3

He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.

Ruth attended every church function held, and she never refused to pitch in when there was work to do. She gave liberally of money, time, and talent. There was nothing she would not do for her church. Even so, she found that others did not welcome here or invite her to join in their special functions. One day she complained to the people she was with that, "Too many people think too highly of themselves, and they're jealous of me because I do so much." She began to list by name those whom she meant. Finally, one of her associates stopped her and said, "The reason you're not more welcome is because you always talk about others. You spend a lot of time doing good, then you undo it by gossiping. We get tired of hearing you criticize everyone who doesn't do things like you want them to."

We are all called to be Christian in thought, deed, and word. If the love of God truly dwells in our hearts, then we should show it by the way we treat and talk about others. What we say matters a great deal, and God will judge us on our words and feelings, as well as on our actions.

Prayer: Lord, help me to love with Your divine love. Keep me from judging others, but never let me forget that to grow, I must continually judge myself. Amen.


Psalm 14:4

Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? Who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the Lord.

Cory rode along the street on his bicycle, lighting huge firecrackers and tossing them onto the doorsteps of houses along the way. He would listen for the mighty explosions and then laugh as frightened home owners came to the door to see what had happened. His terrorizing spree came to an end as one firecracker with too short a fuse blew up in Cory's hand, severely injuring him.

Do the people who abuse and oppress others really think there is no penalty to pay for what they do? It seems that way. Workers of iniquity who pride themselves on their brilliance and accomplishment are in fact some of the most ignorant people alive. Those who do not know the Lord, do not know much of anything. True knowledge and wisdom comes through love and respect of the one who died to make our salvation possible: Jesus Christ.

Prayer: O Lord, steer me away from those who, through ignorance of You, cause pain and destruction. Help me, instead, to build up and defend all that is right and good. Amen.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Psalm 14:2

The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

"It won't do you any good. All that talk about God is just a crutch. Do your best, live for the day, then lay down and die."

Tim listened to his friend rave on and on, but he never did challenge him. In some ways, he agreed with his friend. Sometimes Jesus was a crutch, but after all, lame people need a crutch. Tim felt like he'd been limping through his entire life before he found Christ. He also believed that God wanted him to do his best and live for the day, but he knew there was more to it than that. Even if all his friends told him that God was a lie, he wouldn't believe it. God was real, and no one could convince him otherwise.

Arguments against the existence of God can sound good, but they amount to nothing more than opinion in the face of fact. We walk by faith, not by sight. God is looking for faith-walkers. If we will follow what we know to be true with our hearts, instead of what we can be convinced of in our minds, then God will lead us and sustain us in all that we do.

Prayer: Be with me, Lord. All around me are people who attack my faith. Dwell in my heart, and let me feel the reality of Your presence within. Amen.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Psalm 14:1

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

The Reverend Dave Scott stood trembling at the doorway to the sanctuary. During the night, vandals had broken into the church. They hadn't taken anything, but they had destroyed just about everything. Windows were shattered, pews splintered, Bible ripped apart. Reverend Scott felt a terrible sickness in the pit of his stomach. Who could do such things? Was nothing sacred anymore?

We need to ask ourselves these questions, because we face such situations all the time. Terrible things are done all around us, and often they happen without regard or respect for things we hold sacred. Foolish people hold our God in contempt, and we can only find consolation in the fact that the Lord sees all, and His justice will one day be done. For us, we must hold onto His goodness and His strength so we can endure such inconceivable crimes. Our Lord is greater than the "things" foolish people destroy. His will be done!

Prayer: O Lord, while the evil days keep coming, grant me strength enough to endure until the end. Remind me that I worship you, and nothing any man or woman can do will ever destroy that. Amen.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Psalm 13:3

Consider and hear me, O Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death.

Bill was beginning to doubt his faith. He had been confirmed into a church almost twenty years ago, he had once read the Bible regularly, and he still prayed occasionally, always at meals. Still, he felt like he was just stumbling through life like a sleepwalker. Nothing seemed to matter, and Bill felt that his life laced purpose. There had to be something more, but Bill was wondering what it was.

If the Lord is not a real and vital part of our lives, then we are only half living. God renews us and puts purpose into our being. We are spiritual batteries which constantly need to be recharged. We cannot be recharged apart from the power source: Jesus Christ. The Bible, the church, fellowship with other believers, prayer; these and many other activities draw us close to God and therefore energize our spiritual lives. Draw close to God and feel the power. It's waiting right now, and it is given freely.

Prayer: Energize my life with the power of Your Holy Spirit, Lord. Grant that I might live life fully, not halfway. Open my eyes to the glorious life I have been given. Amen.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Psalm 13:1

How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?

There is no worse feeling than feeling a distance from God. When we cry out in prayer, we need to feel His presence with us. When that feeling is absent, hopelessness and despair set in. We need to know, however, that the Lord has not really gone far from us, but we have pushed Him from ourselves. The Lord is always as close as a prayer, and we need but open our hearts to Him, and His presence will be felt once again. The Lord never hides His face from us, though often He will wait; stepping back like the loving Father that He is, to see whether or not we can struggle through a problem on our own. God wants to see us grow, and He often has to let us struggle a bit in order to allow that growth to occur. Even in those times of trial, however, the Lord is never far away, and He will not allow us to be tried beyond our endurance.

Prayer: Help me to know that You are with me i n every situation at every moment of the day. I need Your comforting presence in my life, O Lord. Without it, I cannot go on. Amen.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Psalm 12:5

For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the Lord.

Something is terribly wrong in our world. Some of God's children are ill-fed, homeless, diseased, and abused. Many people do not know the comforts of a home, nor the security of a free state. Who will care for these lowly children of God?

The Bible says that the Lord will rise up in behalf of these people, but it also says that He will do so through His servants and followers. That means that God will provide for His poorer children through the grace of His richer ones. We are called to give from our blessed abundance, that others less fortunate might live. This is not an option for Christians, but a basic mandate upon which our faith is built. We are the hands, the feet, the eyes, and the voice of the Lord. Let us serve Him well.

Prayer: Use me as You will, O Lord. Make me an instrument of Thy glory and will. Send the power of Your Spirit into the world through me. Amen.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Psalm 12:3

The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things.

A friend of mine tells of a man he worked with who believed that he knew everything there was to know about God. If people expressed their beliefs, the man would criticize and analyze them, telling them what he felt was wrong with their way of thinking. He bragged of all the things he had read, of the people he had met, and the numbers he had let to Christ. His religion was worn as a badge to impress others. However, when things got hard the man, he found that he was ill-equipped to deal with the pressures.

Our faith in Christ is not to be a source of bragging and pride; but a source of comfort and service. Being Christian doesn't make us better than other people, just better off. We are blessed by the gift of God's love, and we should receive it with humility and grace.

Prayer: Creator God, You have made me in Your image, and I sometimes forget how thankful I should be. All that I am, and all that I can be, is a gift from You, and nothing that I have done on my own. Forgive my foolish pride. Amen.


Psalm 12:1

Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.

Sarah thought that going to a Christian college would be an answer to her prayers. She really looked forward to a community of believers where she could feel at home. She especially wanted to find out what it would be like to date Christian guys who wouldn't try to take advantage of her. Boy, had she been wrong. The guys she went out with at the college were no different from the boys in high school. And a lot of the girls partied all the time. Sarah wondered if there was something wrong with her. Maybe being a Christian wasn't what she thought at all.

Many people face a dilemma like Sarah's. Too many people think that being a Christian means believing but not doing. They act as if being a Christian makes their old behaviors somehow right. Nothing is further from the truth! Being a Christian means living a godly life and rejecting many things that the world says are okay. How sad that the people who do live good lives are the ones who feel like freaks. As the days go on, few godly people exist. Thankfully, God is with those who choose the path of righteousness, and He will be with us always.

Prayer: I live with a foot in two worlds, Lord. Reach out and pull me into the Kingdom, that I might step from this world into Yours. Amen.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Psalm 11:4

The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men.

Whenever they went to the ocean, Dave remembered Tim and how he had drowned by swimming out too far. Not only did he go too far, but he swam in an area without a lifeguard. Since that time, Dave always looked for the lifeguard, and he refused to swim if the lifeguard wasn't present. Once Dave had thought that lifeguards were on the beach to keep people from having too much fun. Now he thought differently.

What comfort there is to know that we are being watched over. This life provides some pretty treacherous waters, and we need to know that there is a divine lifeguard, ready to pull us up at a moment's notice. The Lord watches over us, not to stifle or oppress us, but to insure us a full, happy, and healthy life. We can tread life's waters knowing that there is nothing to fear, for the Lord is watching.

Prayer: when I get in over my head, Lord, be there to life me up. I need You to watch over me and care for me. I put all my faith in You. Amen.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Psalm 11:1

In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?

Yani meant well, but sometimes Gail got so mad at her. Gail was a strong Christian, but Yani felt that Christianity was false, and so she kept trying to persuade Gail to try an Eastern faith. Gail had no trouble with Yani believing as she did, but she wanted them to be abl3e to simple share the truth of their separate beliefs in order to grow and learn more. Yani wanted nothing to do with Christian teaching, and she vehemently fought to convince Gail of her erroneous faith. Gail saw no reason to flee from Christianity when in her heart she knew it was right.

We are overexposed to choices. Every day someone will try to tell us that we need one more thing in order to make our lives complete. Ads tells us that we should be dissatisfied with what we have, that we need something different. The truth is, when we find what works, or what is right, or what we like, no one should be able to tell us that we're wrong. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one and nothing can ever take His place. We are already Kingdom people. There's no reason to try anything else.

Prayer: When I feel surrounded by doubts and I question my faith, Father, reach out to me, that I might know I have nothing to fear. Teach me Your truth each day. Amen.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Psalm 10:17

Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear.

The jury had argued the merits of the case for hours. Nelson had remained silent through the entire debate, but now he leaned forward and began to speak. Immediately everyone silenced themselves and turned to listen to what Nelson had to say. Because he had said little previously, his words had a strange impact, and his argument persuaded the jury members.

When someone talks all the time, the tendency is to tune that person out. NO one wants to be around someone who chatters incessantly. What a joy it is to find someone who employs an economy of words. The person who speaks infrequently tends to be heard the most.

When we learn to speak to God of the more important desires of our hearts, we can be assured that He is hearing us and will answer our prayers. When we merely chatter on to God about every little annoyance or inconvenience, we may find that He is slower to answer, in hopes that we will learn to take care of problems that are within our own power to solve. Use wisdom in your dealing with God, and you will find your relationship enriched.

Prayer: Teach me humility and wisdom, O Lord, that I might speak wisely of the things that are most important. Help me to know what I am able to deal with and what I am not. Guide me as I grow. Amen.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Psalm 10:4

The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.

A successful corporate leader once said, "It's not that I don't believe in God, it's just that I don't have time for Him. If I did all the things that God wanted me to do, I'd never have time left for business." What a telling statement! Being a Christian means so much more than just believing in the existence of Christ. Many people believe in Christ, but they consciously remove Him from their hearts and minds. They don't have time for Him. What a tragedy! Too many people see life in Christ as slavery rather than freedom. They feel oppressed by the only true liberator that exists.

To understand Christ, we must spend time with Him. If we reject Him without even getting to know Him, we rob ourselves of any chance at redemption and salvation. As Christian people, we need to keep God close by us. We need to read His Word, dwell upon Him in our hearts, and speak of Him wherever and whenever possible. Keep the Lord close by you, and will never feel alone.

Prayer: Be with me, O my Lord. Plant Yourself firmly in my thoughts, and never let me turn from You. Amen.

Monday, April 08, 2013


Psalm 9:19, 20

Arise, O Lord; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men.

It is frightening to listen to the decrees made by some of our world leaders. They hold the lives of so many people in their hands, and all too often they seem bent on destruction, not only of themselves, but of as many people as they can take with them. Were it true that they really had the ultimate power, there would be no reason for hope.

We know better, however. The only true power in this world is the power of God, and our fate will not be decided by men and women, but by God. WE are created for eternity, and so we do not need to fear the decisions made by corrupt human beings in this age. Our trust is in the Lord of all creation, and in Him there is never reason to fear or doubt.


 Father God, sustainer of life and giver of sanity in an insane world, hear the prayers of Your people and give us peace and confidence of a bright new age to come. Amen.

Saturday, April 06, 2013


Psalm 9:10

And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

The crowd in the office seemed to have no morals whatsoever. Beth could hardly believe some of the things she heard the other employees talking about. They used foul language, spent weekends in drunken fogs, and had no compunction about their loose sexual behavior. Sometimes Beth felt so alone. It was hard to spend so much time out of the day with people she disagreed with so strongly. Her thoughts always turned to her close friends, and she was glad to have others who felt as she did to turn to. Her friends were all Christian, and it really did make a difference. She didn't feel like an outsider when she was with Christian friends. Having such good friends made it easier to deal with the people at work. She wondered what she would do if she didn't have friends who felt as she did.

So many people have no idea what it means to have the Spirit of Christ in their hearts. They believe that their lives are fine just as they are. How sad that they do not know enough to put their trust in God. It is our job, as the voice and hands of God, to let people know of the truth of Christ, so they, too, might come to put their trust in Him.

Prayer: Make me an agent of Your will and word. Help me to teach others by the example of my life what it means to be Christian. I will put my trust in You. Help me to share that trust with others. Amen.


Psalm 9:9

The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.

Ellen lived in a tiny shack on the edge of a small backwater town. She no modern conveniences; no car, no electricity, no fancy clothing. She just lived a simple life, giving of herself to others, sharing what little she did have with anyone who needed it. Often people tried to help Ellen, but she just smiled and said she didn't want for anything. When asked why she lived as she did, Ellen said, "God has made sure that I've had enough to get by on. I don't need any more than that. He and I have a nice deal. When He needs me, He lets me know and shows me what I can do, and when I need Him, all I have to do is call. I've faced hard times, but the Lord has always given me strength and given me a place to run to."

The Lord is our refuge and our strength. It takes a great deal of wisdom to realize that. Our lives are much more than possessions and positions. Our lives are gifts from God; given to us and to others for His glory. We need not ask what more God can do for us, but what we might do for God. He will surely let us know.


Father, I sometimes need to escape: from the world, from myself, from the things that tie me down. Be my liberation and my sanctuary. Strengthen me for Your service. Amen.


Psalm 9:1

I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.

Audrey loved the little children, and they dearly loved her. She would walk with them through the gardens and fields, showing them all the wonders of nature. She would sit with them for hours and tell them stories. She would read to them from her Bible, then explain what she had read. She would remind the children of all the good things God could do. For the main part of her life, Audrey taught little children the reality of God.

To be truly in love with God is a consuming passion. We can't wait to tell the world of the wonderful truth we know. The spirit of God enters in, and our lives are never the same again. Praise the Lord with your whole heart, and show forth all His wonderful works.


Each new day brings new wonders to my attention. Thank You, O Lord, for creating such a beautiful world with so many miracles to behold. Amen.

Thursday, April 04, 2013


Psalm 8:5

Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.

There are not many days that go by where I feel very holy. As much as I might like to be a reflection of Jesus Christ, I am afraid that my image is a very dim one at best. For each success I have at walking in the footsteps of Christ, I have a dozen failures where I have strayed from the path. And through it all, God still loves me totally. In my imperfection, God still reveres me and thinks I am good. It boggles the mind to realize that human beings are God's pride and joy. Despite the grief and frustration we must be, God believes in us and helps us to be the best people that we can be. He loves His children and rejoices in their victories. Our Lord created us just lower than the angels; the most perfect of His creations.

Despair not. No matter how inadequate we might feel, we are considered beautiful by our Creator, and in the end it is His opinion, not ours, that makes all the difference in the world.


Grant me spiritual wings that I might soar as an angel on this earth, O Lord. Help me to live up to the intention You had at my creation. Let me wear my crown wisely and proudly, to Your glory. Amen.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013


Psalm 8:3, 4

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

A devout man refused to enter into a church because he said that he was not worthy to read on holy ground. Whenever he saw a cross, he burst into tears and turned his eyes away. He humbled himself whenever he could, and he lamented that he would never be good enough to hope for salvation.

One day, a traveling minister entered the hometown of the man. He saw the devout man sitting on the stones outside the church building, and so he stopped to talk. When he found out the man'' thoughts, he told him, "God is not looking for worthy men, but willing children. He doesn't want to be surrounded by people trying to impress Him with how much they can love Him. He merely wants people who will receive the great love He has to give. You are wise in saying you will never be worthy, but do not be foolish in not realizing that you are loved. Come, and receive the gift of the Lord. He set the earth and skies in motion, the birds in the air, the fish in the sea, the creatures on the earth; and He did it all for you, my friend."


Though I do not deserve your great love, Father God, I thank you that you give it so freely. Embrace me as a child, cradle me in your strong and tender arms, and help me remember that I am yours. Amen.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013


Psalm 7:8

The Lord shall judge the people: judge me, O Lord; according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me.

If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that it's a very scary thought that God might actually judge us according to our measure of righteousness and integrity. Under the careful scrutiny of the Lord, all our blemishes surface and we are exposed for what we really are: sinners in a need of a good cleaning! Praise God that the cleaning is available to us through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.

 By the forgiveness of sin offered through the cross and resurrection of Christ, we are made clean and pure and able to pass the scrutinous (sic) eye of God. Christ's righteousness becomes the righteousness of all who believe in Him and turn their hearts over to Him. Jesus paid the penalty that would have come to us. WE now have no fear of condemnation from the Lord. All we have is the promise of love and forgiveness to those who repent of their sins and follow in the ways of the Lord.]


Make me like You, O Lord. In the ways I am lacking, remake me in the image of Christ. Create in me a new and clean heart, and bless the paths I am to walk. Amen.

Monday, April 01, 2013


Psalm 7:1

O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me.

Greg couldn't believe his ears. His teacher had just asked the class if anyone belonged to a church youth group. Greg attended one faithfully, but he was too embarrassed to let any of his school friends know about it. Most of the kids in the youth group were considered to be freaks by the "in crowd" at the high school. Only a couple of the other kids were raising their hands. For a moment Greg hesitated, the he slowly raised his hand. To his surprise, no one laughed, and a couple of his school friends even showed interest in his church involvement. Greg began to wonder what he had really been afraid of.

There are an awful lot of people in this world who will not understand our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. They will ridicule us, persecute us, and turn us aside. That does not justify us hiding our faith. We are to shine as a light in this world. If we are proud of our faith, we will find that God will give us special strength to stand up in the face of ridicule. As Scripture says, if we will be proud of the Father, He will be proud of us. If we are ashamed of Him, however, then Christ will also be ashamed of us.


Lord, You are the brightest light shining in my life. Help me to reflect Your light in all that I do and say. Save me from persecutors, and enable me to be everything You would have me to be. Amen.