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Thursday, January 31, 2013


Psalm 136:3, 13

O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth forever. . . .To him which divided the Red sea into parts: for his mercy endureth forever.

Tracey sat thinking about her troubles. Her mother kept telling her to pray about them, but she didn't know whether that would do any good or not. She wanted to believe, but it seemed a little far-fetched to think praying would really do anything. She wasn't even sure that her prayers got through.

Doubt is a killer. It kills faith. Our God is the God who freed the Hebrew people from captivity in Egypt. He parted the waters and let the chosen people through before washing away the Egyptian army. If God could handle the trials of an entire people, then He can handle what we lift up to Him. Give thanks to the Lord, and trust Him with your every though. His mercy does endure forever.


Hear me, Lord, as I pray for your guidance and help me in my life. I cannot handle all of the problems that come my way, and I need to know You stand with me. Give me that assurance. Amen.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Psalm 135:6

Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.

Imagine the fun the Lord had creating all the animals of this world. With the power to do whatever he pleased, He concocted a menagerie of some wonderful creatures. Consider the giraffe, or the baboon, or the frog. What a host of funny-looking creatures. Think of the splendor of the eagle, the grace of the gazelle, the power of the tiger. God put so much into making His creation a good one.

The same is true of His children. God went to great lengths to make sure His children were good. He even imparted in each and every one of them His own image. He offered them free will and all the blessings because they pleased Him. Our God is a God of love, and nothing pleases Him more than to be able to share that love. Indeed, we may be God's funniest creatures, but that only makes Him love us all the more.


Father, You must have a wonderful sense of humor to put up with children like me. Forgive me for being less than You created me to be. Help me to grow and mature and develop into Your image.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Psalm 135:5

For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.

Brooke had tried everything. She had started in business, done quite well, then the bottom dropped out. Broke and disillusioned, she moved home with her parents. There she began attending church and studying the Word. Then she was offered a job with a large corporation, and she jumped at the chance. It didn't work out the way she expected, nor did the relationship she got involved in with one of her co-workers. Disillusioned once more, she returned to her hometown. Once more she involved herself with the church, and she was amazed to realize who much she had missed it. The problems she'd been having didn't seem so great anymore. Without even realizing it, Brooke had been developing a faith that helped her through. While everything else in her life changed, mostly for the worse, God stayed the same, and He was waiting to embrace His prodigal daughter the minute she returned.

Our Lord is great, and His love is far beyond our comprehension. No earthly temptation that we try to elevate to the status of a god can ever compare with the one true God. He alone can make our lives worthwhile.


You have changed my life for the better, Father, and I will never again turn from the blessings You alone can supply. Please let nothing ever come between me and Your love. Amen.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Psalm 134:2

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.

It was weird. Jane had never been to a service like it before. All the people murmured the Lord's name during the prayers, raised their hands, and rocked back and forth in the pews. At first, she had been very uncomfortable, but as she got accustomed to the goings-on around her, she began to relax. Suddenly, she realized that everyone didn't have to express their faith the same way. Though she didn't feel comfortable displaying her faith with physical expressions, she found that she readily accepted others who did. The sincerity of the worship and the energy of the congregation excited Jane. A whole new aspect of her faith was opening up to her.

Open-mindedness is the greatest need in our churches today. Somehow we must learn to affirm and respect the other members of the body of Christ who don't choose to function as we do. There is room for any and all honest expressions of love and devotion to our Lord. Whether we approach Him on bended knees deep in the silence of our o own hearts, or with hearts, hands, and heads lifted in jubilant praise, we can know beyond doubt that God accepts us and is honored by our expressions of worship.


Receive me as I am, Lord. I worship You in the best way I know how. Help me to be open to new and different expressions of faith, and teach me to grow. Amen.


Psalm 133:1

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Rob had been through the death of one congregation; he didn't want to see it happen again. There really weren't any problems that couldn't be worked out in Christian love. This church had been through a lot, and there was no reason to believe that it couldn't weather a lot more storms. If everyone would just remember that they were there to serve Christ, then everything would work out fine. If Christ could calm the Sea of Galilee, He should have no trouble with the First Church.

Christ built His church as a place for harmony and unity. It is a place for people to come together in celebration and love. Christ rejoices when His family lives together in peace. We, too, can rejoice, for there is nothing better than being able to dwell together in His love.


The best friends in the world to have are those who are bonded together with me through my faith. Bring joy to my relationships, Lord, and bless me with harmony and unity. Amen.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Psalm 132:14

This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.

The climb was steep and treacherous, and there were no level places to stop. The sun was beating down, and the two climbers were exhausted. Both were beginning to question the wisdom of the climb. Just as they began to despair of ever making it alive, a ledge jutted into the cliff, and both climbers pulled themselves up onto it. There, in the cool shade cast by the rock, the climbers were renewed and strengthened, enabled to finish their ascent.

The Lord provides us with a place to rest in this climb of ours through life. He welcomes us, shades us, protects us, and enables us to go forth strengthened and renewed. We are never far from this rest. All we need do is turn to the Lord, and He will grant us respite.


Lord, take me into Your loving arms to comfort and energize me. I get so tired sometimes, and I need a place to escape. Help me to turn inward, to dwell with Christ, and to draw aw upon His power.



Psalm 132:9

Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy.

Reverend Fields felt very strongly about the matter. If a person was going to be a representative of the church, he needed to live a clean and upright life. Leaders need to lead by example, therefore church leaders ministered to others by the way they lived their lives. If a person wasn't ready to steer clear of questionable activities, then maybe he wasn't ready to step into a key role in the church.

All Christians assume the responsibility of being an example of nonbelievers. It is an awesome task, but one we must assume. Christ calls us to a life of perfection. Each day we should strive harder to be more perfect than we were the day before. With God's help, we can clothe ourselves in righteousness, thus sending the message that to be Christian means to be different from the rest of the world. In Christ we are made new. Our newness is a light for all the world to see.


Clothe me in Your righteousness, Lord, and make me an example of a new life in Christ. Let me serve You through my actions. Move me onward toward perfection.



Psalm 132:4, 5

I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids, until I find a place for the Lord, and habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.

Rachel closed the door and hung her head. Three o'clock in the morning. She wondered whether the project was ever going to get done. All she wanted to do was collapse in bed, but first there was something she had to do. She dressed for bed, then took the Bible from her dresser and went to the kitchen table to read and to pray. In all of her adult life, she had never gone to sleep without first spending time with God. She was determined that nothing would ever come between her and this special time. It made no difference how tired she was, God came before sleep.

When days become hectic and full, it is easy to allow God to be pushed aside. We need to protect our time with the Lord and give it top priority. If we will keep the Lord close to us, he will sustain us and give us strength in tough times. Without Him, we can never hope to be our best.


Convict my heart with the determination to spend time with You. Let nothing come between us, Lord. When other things demand my time, remind me that I gave myself to You first.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Psalm 131:2

Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.

Thomas got so sick of his sister telling him to grow up and act his age. Sure, he blew his temper sometimes, but so what? Everybody does. Who did she thing she was, telling him to grow up? He was plenty grown-up. It was other people who needed to grow up, not him. Anybody who thought differently just didn't know what he was talking about.

At some point in our lives, we pass from thinking only of ourselves to thinking of others. We become less defensive and more peaceful. We admit when we are wrong, and we affirm others in their opinions. The Apostle Paul says that we must come to a place in our lives where we put aside childish things. Christian maturity comes when we begin to think less of self, more of those around us. There are times in all our lives where the message is clear: We need to grow up.


Help me to grow and mature in my faith, Lord. Turn my attention to the needs of others. Turn my selfishness into selflessness. Amen.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Psalm 131:1

Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me.

When John had started out, all his superiors told him that he was destined to go far in the firm. Now they all shook their heads in wonder that he had never climbed the corporate ladder. John just smiled to himself. Dog-eat-dog was fine for some, but John was content to just do the work he loved. He didn't care what anyone else thought, he was happy, and that was worth more than all the prestige in the world.

Grow where you're planted, the saying goes. When you find a place of contentment, guard it. Don't be ready to throw it away for what may or may not be better. Too often we get into situations over our heads, and then it is too late to go back. God will not be impressed by your fame or wealth. What pleases the Lord is someone who uses his talents and makes peace for himself in the work that he does.


Make my aspirations for myself realistic and worthwhile. Help me to keep my wits about me, to do the things I like rather than those things that are done merely to impress others. Amen.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Psalm 130:5

I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.

Elizabeth sat by her nightstand, reading from her Bible. Each night before bed, she read from the Scriptures. She always claimed that the key to a long and happy life was to keep in contact with God. Each night as she turned out the light, Elizabeth smiled to herself. She wondered how much longer she would live, but not with any fear or dread. She knew that her heavenly home was waiting for her, and that thought held only comfort. As she drifted off to sleep, she prayed for God's will to be done, and she knew in her heart that it would be.


Lord, do Your will in my life. If I live but one more day, help me make it the best day of my life. If I live for years, help me to fill them with peace, joy, contentment, and service. Amen.


Psalm 129:6

Let them be as the grass upon the housetops, which withereth afore it groweth up.

People who live without God in their lives live without the roots that feed and strengthen all life. They have no protection against the storms of life that can uproot and destroy. When troubles increase, they wither like plants in a hot sun. God is the true source of all that is needed to grow. Without Him, we can never reach our potential. Like the seed that falls to the rooftop, sprouts, then soon dies for lack of nourishment, so we, too, will die without the saving power of the Almighty in our lives.


Feed me, protect me, nurture me, and make me grow, Lord. Send your life-giving Spirit upon me, and make me the best person that I can be. Amen.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Psalm 129:3

The plowers plowed upon my back: they made long their furrows.

The rookie lawyer made his case, than sat down feeling very pleased with himself. Then the fireworks began. The defense picked apart every argument he made and humiliated him before judge and jury. The judge pulled him aside and told him to put in more time next time, and the opposing lawyer just laughed and thanked him for making his job so easy. With tail tucked between his legs, the young lawyer beat a hasty retreat.

There will be days when things don't just go wrong, they self-destruct totally. When we feel we've gone as low as we possibly can, something else comes along to drive us deeper still. From those depths there is only one place to turn: God. He has seen all, He knows how you feel, and He patiently waits to take you into His arms to comfort and soothe you. When we feel pushed beyond our ability to cope, it is good to know God is there.


In times of total darkness, shine Your light into my life. Help me to pick myself up and start again. Give me strength, Lord. Amen.


Psalm 129:2

Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me.

Saundra was handicapped. Her hands were twisted beyond usefulness, and she had lived with them since birth. They caused her not only physical pain, but emotional anguish as well. Throughout her childhood, cruel children had mocked her. The damage done to her self-esteem was immense, and for a long period she believed that she could never do anything. In college she had met a friend who led her to Christ. In Christ she found a new desire to succeed and beat her affliction. She received a Master's degree in Therapy and Handicapped Services and became national spokeswoman for a handicap-awareness campaign. Though her detractors had always had something to say, Saundra prevailed and rose above her handicap.

The Lord gives us all the ability to rise above the things that limit us. If we will only lean upon Him, He will give us the will and drive to succeed in every situation. His power can be our power when we call upon His holy name.


There are times, dear Lord, when I feel I don't amount to much. My self-image is bruised, and my determination is crushed. Be with me in those times, and lift me up. Amen.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Psalm 128: 1, 2

Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways. For thou shall eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.

Jack sat down to supper with his family. Even after twenty years, there was something special about a meal that came from their own farm. Jack could imagine thousands of families sitting down to similar meals of produce from his farm. It made him feel like there was purpose to his life. The work was hard, there were worries about the future, but it was all worth it. The farm was Jack's life. It would never be said that Jack was not fulfilled in his work. He couldn't be happier.

Many people find no satisfaction in the work they do. Their lives lack purpose and meaning. Christians have an alternative source of meaning in their lives. If a Christian does a job, no matter how large or small, to God's glory, then that person will find satisfaction. God doesn't much care what we do, but He is always interested in how we do our jobs. If we do our work without grumbling and with a joyful heart, then we are witnessing to His power in our lives and we are pleasing to Him.


Let me be not so concerned with the prestige of my job, or the salary it pays, or what other people think of it. Instead, assist me to always do the best that I can, to Your glory, Father. Amen.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Psalm 127: 4, 5

As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

Beverly belonged to a large family. Friends of hers always told her how sorry they were for her being the middle child of nine, but she could never quite understand their sympathy. She lived having lots of sisters and brothers. They were all close, and she never felt lonely or unsupported. Contrary to her friends' belief that there would be less love because it was spread so thin, there was all the more. Beverly couldn't imagine being loved more than she was by her whole family.

God gave families as a blessing. Not only blood families, but church families also qualify as blessings of love. Anyone can belong to a family in God's world, for we are all His family. All it takes is to reach out to others. There is strength, safety, and joy in numbers. The closer we unite, the stronger we will be.


Draw me close to my sisters and brothers in Christ, O Lord. Expand my family each and every day. Teach me to reach out to those around me. Fill me with a love that never fails. Amen.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Psalm 127:2

It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

Rodney couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned, thinking of the bills yet to pay, the braces needed for the children's teeth, the pressures at work, the promises made but not yet fulfilled. Each time he pushed one demon thought from his mind, another popped in. His health was beginning to be affected by his lack of sleep. That added just one more thing to his list of worries.

Worry is the last thing that will help our problems. In fact, worry can immobilize us from being able to take any kind of positive steps toward solutions. The only purpose for worry is to indicate to us that we need to turn our problems over to God. Once we enlist the help of our Lord, then we can rest easy. God will carry us through any situation, and He will grant us peace of mind and peace of heart.


So often I am haunted by problems and concerns, Lord. Lift their weight from my shoulders and allow me to rest. Amen.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Psalm 127:1

Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

A great cathedral was constructed to God's glory, while hungry and sick people sat outside its walls. The cathedral was called, "The Greatest Achievement in the Name of God." Millions flocked from all over to enter its doors. Thousands went away disturbed that the ministry of the church was contained completely within its walls. As the years passed, the church lost its luster, and it became just another church. The poor were still there, but nothing had yet been done to help them. God looked down on the cathedral and said, "This is the poorest excuse of a church I have seen."

When men and women try to take the church out of God's hands, it ceases to be the church. Only churches built upon the spiritual rock of salvation can claim to be God's churches. Our achievements in the name of God must bear His signature, not our own; otherwise they have been done in vain. God is the author of all that is good; we are merely His helpers. Whatever God builds will last forever, while human kind's creations crumble to the dust.


Use my talents to do Your will, Lord, not my own. Remind me that I am doing Your work with You, not my own work for You. Bless all my endeavors in Your name. Amen.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Psalm 126:5

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

Just when Amy thought her work might go down the drain, a miracle came through. Working with the poor in Atlanta was the best job and the worst job she had ever had. She specifically worked in drug and alcohol rehabilitation, and there was nothing more gratifying than getting someone back on his feet. Yet, for every one that got cleaned up, there were a dozen more in need. Money was tight, and things didn't look good. Amy went home at night and cried for all the work left undone and all the people in misery. Then, the grant came through: Enough money to keep the doors open for a year. Amy felt like God truly did care about what she was doing. All the sweat and tears paid off.

Joy that comes to us in times of despair is twice as sweet. When we care intensely about our world and the people in it, we will be moved to tears, and at times we will even feel like giving up. Thankfully, the tears will turn to joy, for all is in God's hands. He will transform this old world and make all things new. Those who care most deeply will rejoice all the more. Take heart!


Help me to see a brighter future for my world, O Lord. I get discouraged when it seems like evil triumphs so much of the time. Show me the good, Father. Amen.


Psalm 126:2

Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them.

Young people all seemed to think you had to get drunk to have a good time. Steve and Dan were out to teach them otherwise. One of the high priorities in their youth ministry was to show teenagers that Christians could have even more fun than non-Christians. They entered the lives of the young people, bringing them laughter, joy, and a message of Good News. Soon, both Christians and non-Christians hung out with the duo. All the kids wanted to be part of the experience.

Too often we take our faith seriously in the wrong ways. When we present only the somber, quiet side of faith, without expressing the joy, the result is not always so attractive. Christians have gained the reputation of not being too much fun, and nothing should be further from the truth. Being a Christian is the most joy-filled and lively experience we can have. Others need to see that. Live the happiness, laughter, and singing of being a Christian, so the whole world might know.


Never let me forget the intense joy that accompanies being a Christian. Turn my tears to laughter, my sorrow to dancing, and let me spread my delight to everyone. Amen.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Psalm 125:4

Do good, O Lord, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.

Mrs. Hendricks was the most popular music teacher around. Young and old alike hired her to teach them how to play and sing. Actually, the only thing Mrs. Hendricks did differently from other teachers was to make you feel good about what you were trying to do. She complimented, encouraged, and affirmed at every possible opportunity.

We like to be around people who make us feel good. We all need to be affirmed and supported. We look to the Lord for approval, because we want more than anything for Him to be proud of us. He is. When we try to live upright and holy lives, we are doing that which makes Him happiest. He will continually bless those who do good, for to them belongs the Kingdom of God.


Help me know that I'm on the right track, dear God. Let me know that what I am trying to do pleases You. Keep me ever in Your care. Amen.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Psalm 125:2

As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even forever.

Peggy loves the island. Her grandfather had purchased the land and built a cottage on it before the First World War Now it was hers, and she felt safe and surrounded and at home. Some of her friends thought it would be unpleasant to be completely surrounded by water, but she said it was just like having a private moat. To Peggy, this was a paradise.

For some people, being surrounded is a great source of security. Our Lord awaits to surround us in His love. From time immemorial, the Lord has gathered His children to Himself, encircling them in His protective care. We are held in that circle today. Rejoice that the Lord is near. He protects and defends us, and will continue to do so forever.


Circle me in Your love, Lord. Surround me and keep me safe, I pray, and help me to draw others to You. Amen.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Psalm 124:7

Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are expected.

Clifford was a strange man. He served his country in Vietnam and spent three years as a prisoner of war. While a prisoner, he amazed his companions by never complaining about their situation. In fact, when questioned about it, he smiled and said, "I'm not really here, anyway." Once Cliff returned to the States, he shared what he had meant. Each day he sat against the stone wall and began listing in his mind all the places he had ever been that he had loved. He pictured those places, and he selected a different one every day. In his mind he journeyed to the beloved spots and he turned off the reality around him.

As Christians, we need to do the same thing. We're not from here. Our true home is with God in heaven. When the reality around us gets too intense and hard to handle, we should turn our thoughts to God. We can be liberated from the trap if we will only call upon the Lord. God offers us a way to escape the harshness of our earthly life by entering into quiet time with Him. Reach out. His peace awaits.


Rescue me from the craziness around me. Be my refuge when life gets too hectic. Lift me out of the race and grant me rest. Amen.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013


Psalm 123:3

Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us: for we are exceedingly filled with contempt.

The Greens couldn't tolerate the Reds, because the Reds read their Bibles out loud. The Reds couldn't stand the Blues because they sang too many songs and they didn't always sing words the Reds knew. The Blues didn't like the Golds, because the Golds never did any mission work, and the Golds didn't like anybody else, because no one else took in much money on a Sunday morning.

The things we let divide us! God shakes His head in disbelief at the contempt we hold for others who don't quite agree with us. We live a country where there are almost three hundred different denominations, all claiming to have a special understanding of the Christian Gospel. What is more important than any point of faith is that we love one another, and that we treat one another accordingly. We need to ask God's forgiveness for our bent toward judging others. Each of us has enough to keep us busy with his own faith. When we start pointing fingers at others, that's when we prove positively that our own faith is in serious need of help.


Have mercy upon me, Lord. I apologize for all the times I have judged another person's faith, when my own faith is in such need of help. Remove the enormous plank from my own eye, O God, that I might truly begin to see. Amen.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013


Psalm 123:2

Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that he have mercy up on us.

Ryan had trained dogs for almost thirty years. A lot of people didn't like his tactics, because he demanded that the animals learn respect fast. He never raised his voice, but he was quick to discipline with sharp, painful shots to the rump and muzzle. Within a few short days, his dogs knew what was expected of them and what they could expect if they disobeyed. By the turn of a hand, Ryan was able to make his dogs do most anything.

As we wait upon the Lord, we should think about what is expected of us and how well we are doing what we should. We know what is expected of us, and we know what might befall us in our disobedience. We look expectantly to God, and it is right that we should, but we should also look at ourselves to see that we are doing all we know we ought to be.


Have mercy upon me, Lord, in my disobedience. I am trying to learn Your will for my life. Help me to grow in all of Your ways. Amen.

Monday, January 07, 2013


Psalm 123:2

Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that he have mercy up on us.

Ryan had trained dogs for almost thirty years. A lot of people didn't like his tactics, because he demanded that the animals learn respect fast. He never raised his voice, but he was quick to discipline with sharp, painful shots to the rump and muzzle. Within a few short days, his dogs knew what was expected of them and what they could expect if they disobeyed. By the turn of a hand, Ryan was able to make his dogs do most anything.

As we wait upon the Lord, we should think about what is expected of us and how well we are doing what we should. We know what is expected of us, and we know what might befall us in our disobedience. We look expectantly to God, and it is right that we should, but we should also look at ourselves to see that we are doing all we know we ought to be.


Have mercy upon me, Lord, in my disobedience. I am trying to learn Your will for my life. Help me to grow in all of Your ways. Amen.

Saturday, January 05, 2013


Psalm 122:1

I was glad when they said unto me; Let us go into the house of the Lord.

Mike and Jerry were neighbors for about five months when one day Jerry asked Mike to play golf with him on a bright, beautiful Sunday morning. Mike graciously declined, asking for a rain check. Jerry invited Mike on a couple more Sundays, but Mike always refused. Jerry asked him why, and Mike told him that he went to church. After that, Jerry didn't ask again, on Sunday or any other day of the week. Mike finally asked Jerry why, and he replied, "I asked you to go with me three times to do something that was really important to me, but you never once asked me to go to church with you."

Mike never thought that Jerry might like to go to church. Too often we shy away from asking people because we don't want to seem pushy. But the Lord asks that we work diligently to bring people to Him. Often people do not go to church simply because they feel awkward and have never been asked. Share your faith. Ask someone to church with you. You never know what might happen.


Open my eyes to the needs of others. Help me to not think I know people's minds before I ask. Be patient with me as I learn to share my faith with others. Amen

Friday, January 04, 2013


Psalm 121:8

The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

Gene grabbed his poncho and headed for the door. Whenever there was a bad storm, the linemen got called out by the power company. Funny, but they were expected to work in the least safe conditions at a moment's notice, and nobody ever said please or thank you. Every time he headed out on a night like this one, Gene took time to say an extra prayer for protection.

The Lord watches over all His children. He is with us in safe times as well as the dangerous ones. He guards our steps from the day we are born until we are ushered into our heavenly home. Know that the Lord is with you. He will never leave you alone.


Guard me this day, Lord. Be with all the people who serve in dangerous positions, and keep them safe. Watch over us all. Amen.

Thursday, January 03, 2013


Psalm 121:5

The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

Jeremy always took time out of his day to tend the little maple tree that grew on the east lot. Maintaining a cemetery was hard work, and there was always plenty to keep him busy, but Jeremy never forgot his tree. One of his co-workers asked him once why he doted over the tree so, and he said, "That little tree is the only shade in the east lot. When I'm out digging or mowing, I need to rest in some shade for a while. My tree out there is the best place I know to go. We got a deal: I take care of it, it takes care of me."

When activities wear us down and we just can't go on, we need a port in the storm; a source of shade and comfort. The Lord is just that. He is the place we can rest and be renewed. Turn to the Lord when you are weary, and he will rejuvenate you and set you back on your feet.


Let me find my rest in You, Lord. When the day gets to be too much for me, welcome me into Your presence, where I can find some sanity and reason. Amen.


Psalm 121:5

The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

Jeremy always took time out of his day to tend the little maple tree that grew on the east lot. Maintaining a cemetery was hard work, and there was always plenty to keep him busy, but Jeremy never forgot his tree. One of his co-workers asked him once why he doted over the tree so, and he said, "That little tree is the only shade in the east lot. When I'm out digging or mowing, I need to rest in some shade for a while. My tree out there is the best place I know to go. We got a deal: I take care of it, it takes care of me."

When activities wear us down and we just can't go on, we need a port in the storm; a source of shade and comfort. The Lord is just that. He is the place we can rest and be renewed. Turn to the Lord when you are weary, and he will rejuvenate you and set you back on your feet.


Let me find my rest in You, Lord. When the day gets to be too much for me, welcome me into Your presence, where I can find some sanity and reason. Amen.