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Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Meditate On

And they overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb…

Revelation 12:11

            When All Else Fails, The Blood Avails     
A precious lady from England wrote in to share how her daughter-in-law had conceived supernaturally after 10 years of trying. Her daughter-in-law had undergone at least seven in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, all without success.

But all this began to change when she read one of the devotionals in which I wrote, “what nine plagues could not do, the blood did.” I was talking about how none of the nine plagues that Moses brought upon the Egyptians caused Pharaoh to release the Israelite slaves, until they put the lamb’s blood—a picture of Jesus’ blood—on their doorposts. Then and only then were the Israelites finally released by Pharaoh—all because of the blood.

With a fresh revelation of Jesus’ shed blood, this lady began to pray for her son and daughter-in-law, speaking the blood over their situation. A few weeks later, her son called to say that his wife was pregnant! This lady wrote, “What six years of IVF could not do, the blood did. We were so thrilled to hear the news of the pregnancy after all these years.”

Beloved, Jesus’ blood shed for you is what overcomes the enemy and qualifies you for every one of God’s blessings today. No matter what has been said about your situation, put your faith in Jesus’ blood and see it availing for you!




Meditate On

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!

John 15:7, NLT

            Hold On To The Word!      
When the enemy attempts to steal from you (John 10:10), what do you think he heads straight for? What do you think is the most valuable and important thing that he wants to take away from you?

According to Jesus, it is the Word of God (Mark 4:14–15). That’s what the enemy goes for, because he doesn’t want the Word taking root in your heart and producing all kinds of good fruit in your life. He knows that before he can steal your health, joy, peace and provisions, he has to steal the Word from you. Without the truth of God’s Word guiding your life, he can make you believe his lies and rob you blind.

That’s why, beloved, I encourage you to hold on to the Word of His grace that you have heard. 
Study it, understand it, keep it close to your heart and speak it over your life. Keep being reminded of the gospel of His grace, whether it’s through listening to sermons or reading books that are full of Jesus and His finished work. Don’t say, “I’ve heard it all before.” No, keep hearing it. Let its roots go really deep. Let it build you up, assure you of God’s faithfulness and cause you to walk in the rich inheritance you have in Christ!



Monday, June 29, 2015


Meditate On

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.
Ephesians 2:8

            No ‘Buts’ In The Good News      
Imagine having a rich uncle who comes up to you one day and says, “I have really good news for you. I know you need a family car badly, so I bought you a really nice one!” Your jaw drops at the good news. But before you can thank him, he says, “It’s all yours…BUT you have to pay me monthly installments of $1,000 for it.”

Suddenly, what started out as “good news” doesn’t turn out to be good news after all. Why? Because it contains a big “BUT!” The “gift” isn’t genuine because it has a condition attached to it.
Sadly, this is how some people understand the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They’ve been told, “Yes, you are saved by God’s grace, BUT from now on, you have to make sure that you come to church, read your Bible, pray, serve, dress holy…to keep your salvation.” Like the car, salvation is not really a free gift—you have to merit it with “installments” of good works.

Beloved, good works are important, but they can’t save you. The only thing that can save you is the blood of Jesus. And when you put your faith in Jesus and His finished work, you were saved for all eternity, with no strings attached because grace is not grace if your works have any part to play in it (Romans 11:6)!

That’s why the gospel of God’s grace is truly GOOD NEWS! And it is knowing and believing this that produces godly fruits of faith and righteousness in your life!




Meditate On

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32

            The Importance Of Right Believing   
When things go wrong in our lives, we often ask the question, “What did I DO wrong?” We believe that something we did brought about the bad thing that has happened. Granted, there are consequences to our actions, but what brought about those actions in the first place? It’s our beliefs!

So the question we should really be asking is not, “What did I do wrong?” but “Where have I gone wrong in my believing?” The bad things that we are experiencing today are often a result of the wrong beliefs that we have. Similarly, the good things that we are experiencing today are a result of believing right about the Lord’s grace, love and promises for us.

Beloved, I pray today that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you areas of wrong believing in your life so that any hindrances to your breakthrough may be removed. Just go to the Lord right now and ask, “Where have I believed wrong, Lord?” And let Him guide you into all truth and show you the way to your victory.

When you know the truth and believe right, you will live right, experience freedom from bondages and walk in the blessings of God!




Meditate On

let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean…

Hebrews 10:22, NLT

 Get Rid Of The Pebble In Your Shoe 

Have you ever walked around with a pebble in your shoe? Even though it’s just a tiny little stone, it affects your ability to keep walking, doesn’t it? Just imagine shopping or sightseeing with a pebble in your shoe. You’re not going to have much fun!

Having sin on your conscience is like having a pebble in your shoe. You can’t really go far in your walk with God. Like the pebble in your shoe, it’ll cause you to stumble and slow you down. Sin constantly pricking your conscience is like the sound of dripping water in the still of the night—it prevents you from getting any rest!

My friend, the only way to find rest for your conscience is to point it to the cross of Jesus. There, every sin that you have and will ever commit was punished in the body of your substitute, Jesus. Because of His sacrifice, all your sins have been forgiven and washed away by His cleansing blood.

Today, you can approach God with boldness and faith because your conscience has been cleansed by Jesus’ blood. The more you believe this truth, the more you’ll walk with a conscience free of the pebbles of sin, and the further you’ll go in your walk with God!



Saturday, June 27, 2015


Meditate On

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

            Forgive As God Has Forgiven You

Once, I met a sprightly Christian lady in her seventies who looked a lot younger than she was. Curious, I decided to find out the secret of her youthfulness. As we talked, I learned that she was someone who was easygoing—this happy-go-blessed lady doesn’t take things to heart when offended and is quick to forgive or let go.

She reminds me of an encouragement that God gives us in His Word: Be tenderhearted and forgiving. My friend, God has your best interests at heart when He tells you to forgive and let go. He wants you to be happy and to live a long, healthy life. Nursing a hurt or anger against someone and having unforgiveness in your heart aren’t worth losing your joy, peace and health over.

Beloved, if you find it difficult to forgive someone, then look to the cross and see how perfectly God has let go every sin you have and will ever commit. Bring Jesus into your bitter situation. 

When you know how perfectly He loves you and has forgiven you, you’ll be able to forgive that person too. And the more you let go of offences against you, the less the enemy is able to make inroads into your mind, heart and body. Like the lady I mentioned, you’ll live a happier, healthier and longer life, with a lot fewer wrinkles and frown lines!




Meditate On

And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord…The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”

Exodus 14:13–14

            Stand Still And See Yeshua Your Salvation
Not long after Moses brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, they found themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. In front of them was the treacherous Red Sea, and behind them was the army of Pharaoh, armed to the teeth and charging toward them to slaughter them!

Naturally, the Israelites were terrified. But Moses said to them, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord…” (Exodus 14:13). I can just imagine what some of the Israelites must have thought: “Stand still? Is he out of his mind? We better do something quick!”

My friend, in the midst of a crisis, the last thing that we would want to do is “stand still.” Yet, that is what God wants us to do—“Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.” The word “salvation” here is the Hebrew word, Yeshua, the name of Jesus. In other words, God wants us to “stand still,” and see or keep our eyes on Jesus. When we stop trying to solve the crisis using our own smarts and strength, and turn to the Lord, He will “part the Red Sea” or make a way where there is none. He will fight our battles for us!

So the next time the devil tells you, “What are you going to do about it?” don’t fall for his old trick and move out of your position of rest by getting into fear and anxiety. See Yeshua and keep your eyes on Him. He is your salvation—your healing, your wisdom and your provision. Let Him deal with your enemies. He will bring you safely to the other side. What He did for the Israelites, He will do for you today!


Friday, June 26, 2015


Meditate On

Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you…Do not be afraid, for I am with you…

Isaiah 43:4–5, NIV

            Be Conscious Of God’s Love And Win  
When you step out in faith to pursue the dream that God has put in your heart, oftentimes, you will face challenges, opposition and trials. Do you know what gives you the ability to face your giants unafraid, and see them defeated through the Lord’s power and provision?

I believe that it all boils down to a revelation and consciousness of God’s perfect and unconditional love for you. Do you know how precious and loved by God you are today?

My friend, God’s immeasurable love for you caused Him to sacrifice His beloved Son for you so that you would always have His presence and His provision. Because of Jesus’ finished work, God doesn’t leave you or condemn you even when you fail. And if God is always with you and for you, no evil that tries to stand against you can prevail!

Whatever your challenges today, abide in the Lord’s love for you. Make a conscious, personal decision to major on His love for you instead of the negative forces against you. That’s how you conquer the giants in your way!



Thursday, June 25, 2015


Meditate On

…pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored…The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].
James 5:16, AMP

            The Power Of Prayer 
A precious lady wrote to us with a testimony that reveals how God releases His power when His people pray. She said:

Just one month after submitting my prayer request to Joseph Prince Ministries for my husband to find a job, we received amazing news. After four long, hard years of unemployment, my husband got a job with a great position, right in his field and training. He was also offered $5,000 more than the pay amount listed in the job posting! You have no idea what a miracle this is with thousands of people losing their jobs just this week!

Beloved, never underestimate the power of prayer or agreement when believers pray for each other and stand together in faith. God gives grace to those who are humble enough to ask of Him and look to Him for help. And because He loves you practically, He has placed pastors, teachers, counselors, prayer teams and other gifts in the body of Christ to stand in faith with you to see God bring His Word to pass in your situation.

God’s greatest gifts to us are people, so don’t discount asking for help and encouragement through prayer when the going gets rough. When the righteous stand together in faith and pray, the tremendous dynamic power of God is released, resulting in healing, provision and restoration!



Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Meditate On

The Lord…hears the prayer of the righteous.

Proverbs 15:29

            God Hears Your Prayers   
In her sadness and aguish, a barren woman went to the temple of God to pray. Weeping, she poured out her heart to God. She didn’t pray audibly, moving only her lips as she talked to God about her request for a child.

When the temple’s priest saw the way she prayed, he assumed that she was drunk and promptly admonished her. She had to tell him that she wasn’t drunk, and that in her sorrow she was pouring out her soul to God.

The priest then told her, “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him” (1 Samuel 1:17). It wasn’t long after that this woman, Hannah, conceived and bore a son, Samuel. Inaudible or soft as her prayer was, God heard it and fulfilled her wish for a child!
Beloved, it’s not about how long or short, how loudly or softly you pray, but who you pray to that matters. Today, when you pray, be conscious that you have the ear and attention of your heavenly Father, who so loves you and hears your prayers because you are righteous in Christ. And if He loves you enough to give you heaven’s best—Jesus, how will He not with Jesus also freely give you all things (Romans 8:32)?


Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Meditate On

The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.

Proverbs 11:25

            Be Generous
The world says, “Grab all you can, can all you’ve grabbed and sit on the can!” But God says, “The generous soul will be made rich.”

Just as God blessed Abraham so that he could be a blessing, God blesses you so that you can be a blessing. So freely give what you have freely received from the Lord, and He will bless you with even more. Proverbs 11:24 tells us that there are those who give and end up with more, and those who hoard and end up in poverty!

Beloved, when you are generous, you are being like Jesus, who generously filled the earth with good things when He created it. And in His earthly ministry, He generously loved, healed and gave to people.

So learn to follow the leading that the Lord puts in your heart to love someone. Use what He’s given you to love people by blessing them financially or in other practical ways that they can appreciate. The more you give, the more God can bless you!



Monday, June 22, 2015


Meditate On

The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.

Proverbs 12:26

            Get Into The Right Company   
Whether you’re a student or working adult, it’s so important to surround yourself with the right people. Today’s verse tells us that the righteous, that’s you and I who are righteous in Christ, should choose their friends carefully, because the wrong friends can lead them astray.
If you hang out with people who are always complaining and telling you why things you want to see can’t be done, they will talk cynicism, doubt and fear into your heart. They will discourage you and talk you out of your dreams and aspirations. The wrong friends can even lure you into destructive habits and illegal activities.

So choose wisely whom you hang out with. Trust the favor of God to give you Spirit- and faith-filled friends who will lift you up when you’re down, give you godly counsel and inspire you to accomplish your God-given dreams. Thank the Lord that this provision is yours through His finished work—Jesus was “put far” from His friends at the cross (Psalm 88:18), so that you could be blessed with many good ones!



Saturday, June 20, 2015


Meditate On

The mouth of the righteous is a well of life…

Proverbs 10:11

 Speak The Good You Want To See 

Anyone can speak what he sees, but it takes faith to speak what you want to see. Anyone can state the obvious, but it takes faith to see the invisible and call it forth!

Our Lord Jesus always spoke the good that He wanted to see happen. He practiced this so much that at one time, He said, “Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up” (John 11:11). Everyone else, including His disciples, spoke of a dead Lazarus, who was already wrapped in grave clothes and laid in a tomb. But Jesus spoke of a Lazarus who was alive, and He called forth what He wanted to see. He said, “Lazarus, come forth!” and he who had been dead for four days arose and came out of the tomb (John 11:43–44)!

The Bible tells us that “God…who gives life to the dead…speaks of the nonexistent things that [He has foretold and promised] as if they [already] existed” (Romans 4:17, AMP). Beloved, you are made in the image of God and His Spirit abides in you. So if you want to see good in your life, then begin to speak it into your life. Jesus died on the cross to give you an abundant life. You have a blood-bought right to call forth a healthy body, a fulfilling career and a blessed marriage and family. Speak boldly the good that you want to see and start to experience it!



Meditate On

Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.

Proverbs 13:4, NLT

 Don’t Be Afraid To Start Small 

When the economy’s bad and jobs are hard to come by, don’t sit at home waiting for that “perfect” job. Whatever turns up, as long as it’s a decent job, grab it and do it heartily!

My friend, don’t despise the day of small beginnings. Whatever has been placed in your hand to do right now, thank God for it and give it your best. Today’s scripture tells us that “those who work hard will prosper.” So if it’s your job to flip burgers, be the best burger flipper in town! Do it as unto the Lord and trust His favor to promote you.

As you work with a spirit of excellence and put your trust in Jesus’ unmerited favor, He will honor His Word in your life. He will bless the work of your hands, give you favor with those you work with and cause you to experience increase!



Friday, June 19, 2015


Meditate On

…God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen…to bring to nothing the things that are.

1 Corinthians 1:27–28

 God Uses What Man Deems Useless 

There was once an old donkey that decided to go somewhere deserted to spend its last days. It found a suitable place, laid down and died after a few days. God looked down at the donkey and said, “I can’t use this donkey.”

Along came the vultures and foxes, picking off chunks of flesh from the donkey. It was a sorry sight. God looked down at the donkey and said, “I still can’t use this donkey.” Then, the ants and other critters of the wilderness came, and cleared up what the vultures and foxes had left behind. The donkey was now just a skeleton, but God still couldn’t use it.

Days and weeks passed, the burning sun scorching the bones of the donkey till they were totally dry and white. God looked down at what was left of the donkey and said, “Now I can use the donkey!”

Then along came Samson with his seven locks dancing in the wind. The man looked around for a weapon to wield against his enemies, and found…just an old dried up jawbone of a donkey. And with the seemingly useless and worthless jawbone, he slew a thousand men (Judges 15:11–17).

My friend, God uses what the world deems useless and past its shelf life to accomplish amazing feats. That’s just His style. So if people have written you off, called you “useless” or treated you as insignificant, get ready! God can and is about to use you to do the impossible. He’ll transform and empower you to do what you and your critics never dreamed possible!


Thursday, June 18, 2015


Meditate On

Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.

Proverbs 16:3

 Supernaturally On Top Of Things 

The Book of Wisdom instructs us to be “diligent to know the state of your flocks” (Proverbs 27:23). In other words, whether you’re running a business, in charge of a department, or just taking care of your home and children, know what’s going on!

Now, God doesn’t want you to get stressed out carrying out this responsibility in your own strength. He wants you to trust Him to empower you to do it. God wants you to look to Him, lean on His favor, wisdom and supply, and experience His Spirit leading you to carry out your responsibilities with thoroughness, accuracy and effectiveness.

Beloved, as you go about what you need to do today, trust the Lord to position you at the right time and place to do the right thing. Ask and expect Him to show you what you need to zero in on, and to supernaturally equip you for the demands of every situation. That’s how you walk in divinely directed diligence and stay on top of things!




Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Meditate On

…they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

Psalm 1:2–3, NLT

 Let God’s Word Empower Your Work 

A student in my congregation was always failing her Math tests no matter how hard she studied or how many formulas she memorized. In her year-end examinations, she also failed her Math paper.

While feeling demoralized and defeated, she heard me preach on the importance of meditating on God’s Word. So she started to spend time in the Word, picking one verse to meditate on each week.

For her next Math test, she decided to “try something new.” She studied for the test as usual, but this time, she also meditated on a particular scripture before she slept. She did the same for another Math test two weeks later. Amazingly, for the first test, she scored an A and topped her class! For the second test, she scored an even better A!

Beloved, tap on the power of God’s Word to release success and see it prosper what you set your hands to do!



Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Meditate On

I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways.

Psalm 119:15

 Heaven Hears, Hell Obeys! 

The Bible records for us that Joshua, in the sight of the Israelites, said, “Sun, stand still over Gibeon; and Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.” And miraculously, “the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the people had revenge upon their enemies” (Joshua 10:12–13).

What awesome authority and power in the mouth of a man! The Bible adds that “there has been no day like that, before it or after it, that the Lord heeded the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel” (Joshua 10:14).

Now, why did Joshua’s words carry so much authority and why did the Lord heed his voice? I believe that it had something to do with the fact that Joshua meditated on the Scriptures day and night as instructed by the Lord right at the start of his leadership (Joshua 1:8).

My friend, power in your mouth or words comes not by you raising your fist or voice, but by you meditating regularly on God’s Word. For example, when you meditate often on God’s promises regarding healing, faith comes alive in your heart, and that sickness or disease will have to leave when you say, “Get out!”

The more you meditate on the Lord’s grace and His promises, the more they’ll become real to you until faith is effortless. Then, like Joshua, when you speak, heaven hears and hell obeys!



Monday, June 15, 2015


Meditate On

Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, but he who gathers by labor will increase.

Proverbs 13:11

 Honesty—The Only Policy 

People who are hasty for success and wealth often resort to dishonest means. They lie, cheat and even come up with elaborate scams to deceive the innocent and naïve. They may succeed for a while, but as God’s Word declares, “wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished.”

The same verse states that “he who gathers by labor will increase.” So my friend, be diligent in your work. Trust in the Lord’s favor and goodness, and not in get-rich-quick schemes or scams. Conduct your affairs with honesty and integrity because the Lord hates “dishonest scales,” but “a just weight is His delight” (Proverbs 11:1).

Beloved, God wants you blessed and free of lack, but not through compromising your moral standards. He doesn’t want you losing sleep because you are worried about the law knocking on your door. So do it His way—honest, diligent work empowered by His unmerited favor—and enjoy His divine success.



Saturday, June 13, 2015


Meditate On

The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, but those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty.

Proverbs 21:5

 Don’t Be Hasty For Success 

God’s wisdom in today’s scripture shows us how to walk in increase: Be diligent. It tells us that being hasty for success—unwilling to work steadily and with diligence—will lead to poverty.
Beloved, God is more interested in your long-term success. He doesn’t want you to turn to quick-fixes to have overnight success. That kind of success is usually fleeting and may come with a terrible price. God wants you to have good success that lasts a lifetime.

So don’t be hasty, but take time to be conscious of His love and grace toward you, and to meditate on His Word to gain wisdom. Be diligent first and foremost in pursuing or meditating on your righteousness in Christ and His favor on you.

When you do everything on the firm foundation of His unmerited favor, you’ll allow His Spirit and His Word to develop your character and enlarge your heart.

This will make you wise and safe for increase and success.




Meditate On

The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.

Psalm 37:23, NLT

 Led By The Spirit 

God wants you to commit every matter to Him so that He can direct your steps and lead you to success. It delights Him to see His children overcoming every challenge and enjoying good success.

The Bible tells us that God has given us His Holy Spirit to lead us and teach us all things, and to bring to our remembrance God’s Word (John 14:26). So when you meditate on His Word and trust the Spirit to open up the scriptures to you, the Spirit will reveal the Lord’s grace for you through the scriptures you are meditating on. He will shed light about God’s heart, favor and supply that is specific to your need, and lead you with inward promptings to do what is best in your situation.

I’ve also found that praying often in the Spirit sensitizes me to His leading and promptings. So pray in tongues often and expect Him to lead you by His wisdom, peace and right timing to experience blessed results.

Beloved, take time today to be still, to meditate and to pray, and watch Him direct you to success!



Friday, June 12, 2015


Meditate On

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.

Psalm 1:1–2

 Run With God’s Counsel 

In today’s scripture, we see the psalmist describing the habits of a man that cause him to be blessed by the Lord. Notice how the blessed man “walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.”

This means that the blessed man doesn’t depend on the advice of “experts” who are independent of and don’t honor God. Neither does he follow those who plot the downfall of others in order to prosper. And he doesn’t participate in cynical coffee shop talk! The man who does these things then is someone who doesn’t trust the Lord but fallible man and self. And he doesn’t meditate on God’s ways, but the ways of the world.

Beloved, don’t choose this path. Choose instead to trust wholeheartedly in Jesus by meditating day and night on His Word and His ways. And it will be a matter of time before you experience His blessings and success in all that you do!



Thursday, June 11, 2015


Meditate On

…“Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”

Mark 12:36

            Rest To See Victory 

Many of us want our problems solved first before we adopt an attitude of rest. We say things like, “I can only rest when my healing manifests,” or “I’ll relax the day I get that promotion and pay increase.” But God says, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”

Sitting is a position of rest. Through Jesus’ finished work you are seated with Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). And you are to remain seated or at rest until you see God put every one of your problems under your feet!

Thoughts may be swirling in your head today—What am I going to do about it? Where is the money going to come from? What if the tumor is malignant? What if I lose my job? But learn to adopt an inward position of rest. When you rest, the Lord goes to work, orchestrating events in the natural and spiritual realms to bring every enemy under your feet.

Beloved, you allow Almighty God to work in you, through you and in your circumstances when you rest. Sometimes, it may seem like He is not doing anything when you rest. Don’t be tempted then to move out of your position of rest. You can’t do more than He can! Stay seated—at rest—knowing that He is working behind the scenes, turning your evil days into good days, preserving you and causing all things to work out for good!



Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Meditate On

They were completely amazed and said again and again, “Everything he [Jesus] does is wonderful…

Mark 7:37, NLT

            Masterpieces Are Made When We Rest    

When we step aside to rest and allow the Lord to work on our problems, the results are marvelous. When we cease from our self-efforts and rest in Him, He can bring forth beautiful outcomes for us because everything that He does is wonderful!

The supply of His grace, health, provision, peace and whatever we need is always flowing toward us because of the cross. But when we worry and strive to solve the problem ourselves, we choke that supply.

Beloved, instead of focusing on solving the problem, focus on resting in Christ and His finished work at Calvary. Keep seeing that bodily condition healed—finished at the cross. Keep seeing that debt paid—finished at the cross. The more you rest in Christ and what He has done, the more He can do wonderful things in your life!



Tuesday, June 09, 2015


Meditate On

They were completely amazed and said again and again, “Everything he [Jesus] does is wonderful…”

Mark 7:37, NLT

            Masterpieces Are Made When We Rest    

When we step aside to rest and allow the Lord to work on our problems, the results are marvelous. When we cease from our self-efforts and rest in Him, He can bring forth beautiful outcomes for us because everything that He does is wonderful!

The supply of His grace, health, provision, peace and whatever we need is always flowing toward us because of the cross. But when we worry and strive to solve the problem ourselves, we choke that supply.

Beloved, instead of focusing on solving the problem, focus on resting in Christ and His finished work at Calvary. Keep seeing that bodily condition healed—finished at the cross. Keep seeing that debt paid—finished at the cross. The more you rest in Christ and what He has done, the more He can do wonderful things in your life!



Monday, June 08, 2015


Meditate On

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

Proverbs 3:5–6, AMP

            Living And Resting In His Grace   

Depending on the Lord’s grace and resting in His finished work does not mean doing nothing. Just look at Apostle Paul, who lived by God’s grace. He saw first-hand how a revelation of God’s grace turned him into the effective and hardworking apostle that he was (1 Corinthians 15:10).

How do we rest in the Lord and still find ourselves effectively doing what we need to do? It’s simple—just do what you ought to do, but do it trusting in the Lord’s favor, not in your smarts or careful planning. Whatever you need to do today, do it with an inward rest, without worrying or fretting, knowing that He loves you, is in charge and is for you.

For example, let’s say that you’ve got a job interview coming up. First, commit the matter to the Lord. Ask Him for wisdom and favor. Then, prepare for the interview—read up on the company. On the day of the interview, dress appropriately and go for it, all the while having an inward rest as you trust the Lord for His wisdom and favor. As you do what’s needed, He will guide you and empower you to do what’s really needful and right. He’ll also give you favor with your interviewers.

Beloved, rest in His grace today and let the Lord lead you to good success!