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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 8/1/13

Psalm 59:9

Because of his strength will I wait upon thee: for God is my defense.

The young man sat quietly in the courtroom. He trembled as he waited for the hearing to begin. He had never been to court before. His parents had rarely even taken him into town. The Amish kept pretty much to themselves. He was being asked to fight in an army that he did not believe in, and that was something he could not do. They would ask him all kinds of hard questions, but all he knew was that war and killing were wrong, and he would have no part of it, even if it meant sitting in a jail for the rest of his life.

 They would want excuses, but all he could say was no. God was his only defense. Nothing more was needed.

Prayer: People do not always understand why I feel the way I do or believe the things I do. Help me to accept that, Father. Help me to be secure in my faith. Let me be an example of faith in a world full of doubt. Amen.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/31/13

Psalm 58:3

The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies.
Larry had developed quite a reputation over the years. Most people in his life said he couldn't be trusted. If there were a way for Larry to rip them off, he would do it. It had been Larry's nature from the time he was very small. As a child, he had told lies with unbelievable ease. He bullied other children without the least bit of guilt or remorse. In school he had cheated his way to the top of his class. He bought answers to tests in college, and entered the business world believing that anything he wanted could be gotten my means both legal and illegal. It was all the same to Larry
There are people in our world who have lived their entire lives by selfish and evil means. It's as if something good was left out of them, and they are incapable of doing what is good. The way we deal with people like that is to forgive them and vow we will never be like them. Evil people are not to be hated, but pitied. They are our mission in life. Lives devoid of the Good News are lives not worth living. Reach out to people who do wrong through your prayers. They need them most of all.

Prayer: Lord, show me how to love even the most unlovable people. Instead of showing anger, let me show compassion, and grant me a deeper understanding of why people can be so bad. Fill my heart with Your love to share. Amen.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/30/13

Psalm 57:4

My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.

Kevin thought that joining the fraternity would solve all his problems. Everybody seemed to look up to the fraternities. Ever since he came to college, Kevin felt a little left out and lonely. His loneliness only increased after he was initiated. None of the other guys in the frat thought or felt anything like he did. Most of them were shallow. Sure, there were a lot of great people in fraternities, but it wasn't what Kevin was looking for. He felt so out of place. What he needed was someplace where he could be himself, and not always put on acts.

We are experts at wearing masks. We do the acceptable things so we don't feel strange or uncomfortable. We get thrown into the lion's den, and it feels like the only way we can hope to avoid being eaten is to become a lion ourselves. Take heart. God has seen our problems and He is willing to help us stand firm for what we believe. There is a place for us. In time, God will lead us all to a place where we feel accepted and loved for who we are.

Prayer: There are so many temptations before me that threaten to make me less than You want me to be, Lord. Save me from my own weaknesses, and make me strong in my beliefs and convictions. Amen.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/29/13

Psalm 56:11

In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.

Eleanor looked one last time out of the airplane window. Through she couldn't make out individual faces, she knew her family was there somewhere. It was really beginning to sink in that she wouldn't see them for a long time. The decision to go into missionary service had been difficult, but she was till certain it was the right thing to do. That didn't make leaving any easier. They only thing to do was put her trust in God and see where He would lead
Trust is a tricky thing. It is difficult to put our trust in others, because we can't be sure whether they will value it or not. That fear should not apply when it comes to putting our trust in God. He will guard it even better than we do ourselves. No one can hurt us, once we put our trust in God. He will follow us to the ends of the earth to make sure we know of His great love.

Prayer: Wherever I go, Lord, I need to know that You are with me. I will put my trust in You, knowing that You will always do what is best for me. Help me to trust You more each day. Amen

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/28/13

Psalm 55:21

The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.

Carrie couldn't believe that she had been taken in so completely. The man had talked of love and peace and equality, and it had all sounded so right. Then he began teaching that the only way to achieve peace was through violence. She had gone along with it for a while because she really wanted to believe the man was good. What he really was a terrorist, using young people to wage his war for him? Why did people have to live by the lie?

We live in a world dominated by smooth talkers who proclaim goodness but are corrupt to the core. Jesus warned that many false prophets would come preaching harmony and love, but that they were wolves in sheep's clothing. Ask God's wisdom and guidance as you make choices in your life. He will expose the darkness of lie and deceit through His holy light.

Prayer: Grant me a careful and discerning spirit, Lord. Make sure that I use the common sense You have given me. Protect me from those who would try to take advantage of me. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/27/13

Psalm 55:17

Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice
Table grace was originally intended to help people turn their attention to God. The meals we share are a gift from God, and He is to be thanked, but we are also to reflect on the many other good things we are given.

 By praying morning and noon and night, we cover our day with a knowledge of God's presence and abiding love. We should take every opportunity to sing praises to God for all that He has done. Take time to pray. Make time to share your life with God.

Prayer: Father, I get so busy that I sometimes forget to be as appreciative as I ought to be. Help me to be thankful and attentive to the many gifts You have given me. All through the day, I will praise you. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/26/13

Psalm 55:6

And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! For then would I fly away, and be at rest.

The boat took off at a high speed, and the towline lifted with a jerk. Jeff's arms strained to hold on, but he held the bar tightly in his hands. As the wind filled the parasail behind him, he felt himself rise up into the air. He was flying! The water rushed by beneath him, and he could see for miles. He let go of the bar and grabbed two steering guides dangling in front of him. He felt the freedom and joy of taking wing. His spirit swelled within him. He'd never felt a joy like this before in his

There are many breathtaking experiences in this life that God has given to us. He has reserved some special things for each of us. These experiences help us touch the wonder of God. They involve us in His mystery, and they remind us of just how great He is. Embrace life fully. Try new things. The Lord is offering you new excitement and opportunity every day of your life.

Prayer: Grant me wings to soar, Father. Set me upon high places and show me the wonders of Your love. Open my heart to new things, and watch me grow. Amen.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/25/13

Psalm 55:5

Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me.

Liz sat crying in the small cafe. It looked as though she might be pregnant, and she was terrified. Her parents would yell at her, her boyfriend would probably leave her, and everyone would think she was somehow cheap and dirty; at least, that was how they would make her feel. This wasn't something she wanted or was proud of. She had made a terrible mistake. She had given in to sin. Now she was a very scared young girl, with nowhere to turn.

Sin makes us a prisoner. It takes away our freedom, and it controls us with fear and guilt. Luckily, we have a Savior who crushes the power of sin and sets us free. Jesus Christ  died to let us know we are loved, and God forgives us when we fall. Nothing w do can separate us from that love, so we have nothing to fear at all.

Prayer: Lift me from the horrors of sin, Lord. Set my feet upon right paths, and lead me away from things that will harm me. Give me courage in the face of frightening situations. Amen.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/24/13

Psalm 55:5

Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me.

Liz sat crying in the small cafT. It looked as though she might be pregnant, and she was terrified. Her parents would yell at her, her boyfriend would probably leave her, and everyone would think she was somehow cheap and dirty; at least, that was how they would make her feel. This wasn't something she wanted or was proud of. She had made a terrible mistake. She had given in to sin. Now she was a very scared young girl, with nowhere to turn.

Sin makes us a prisoner. It takes away our freedom, and it controls us with fear and guilt. Luckily, we have a Savior who crushes the power of sin and sets us free. Jesus Christian died to let us know we are loved, and God forgives us when we fall. Nothing w do can separate us from that love, so we have nothing to fear at all.

Prayer: Lift me from the horrors of sin, Lord. Set my feet upon right paths, and lead me away from things that will harm me. Give me courage in the face of frightening situations. Amen.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/23/13

Psalm 54:4

Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.

Mabel never walked alone. In her hand was an old leather Bible, which she read from all the time. It was bulging with papers and sayings and handcrafted bookmarks, and all her favorite passages were underlined in red pencil. She delighted in sitting down with someone and showing him all the history she had tucked away in her holy book.

 Mabel was never without her holy book, never without her smile. Mabel loved the Lord, and nothing gave her more pleasure than sharing Him with the people she met.

Prayer: Help me to seek after You, Lord. In the morning and throughout the day, give me reminders that You are with me. Remind me to tell others of Your love, that I might share the great gift I have been given. Amen.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms for 7/22/13

Psalm 61:2

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Eric ran back and forth behind the crowd. The parade was coming, and he really wanted to have a good spot to watch it from. Everyone was so much taller than he was. Wherever he went, somebody was standing in front of him. In frustration, he began to cry. Suddenly, two strong hands lifted Eric up and placed him on shoulders high up above the mass of people. From the vantage point of the stranger's shoulders, the entire parade was easy to see.

Sometimes we need a boost. Problems loom too large, and we can't see our way around them. Pressures build up, and we don't feel big enough to cope with them. God sees all that and He is ready to lift us up; to give us a new vantage point. Reach up to the Lord, and He will lead you to Himself, a rock which is higher than any problem we might have.

Prayer: Pick me up, Lord, and hold me in Your loving arms. Protect me from the pressures of the day, and remove the heaviness from my heart. Inspire me with the knowledge that You and I together can handle anything. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms for 7/21/13

Psalm 60:2

Thou has made the earth to tremble; thou hast broken it:  heal the breached thereof; for it shaketh.

Bombs burst, shaking the walls of the nearby houses. Villagers huddled inside, wondering when the thundering blasts would end. Finally, the assault slacked off, and quiet replaced the horrendous noise. Cautiously, people made their way from their homes to view the devastation that lay around them. Their once-scenic village lay mostly in ruin, the bombs having torn apart the beauty that had existed before.

Wars come and end, and always God has slowly and carefully covered the scars of battle with beauty once more.  His great power stands against the worst that humankind can do. So far we have not done irreparable damage, and by God’s grace we never will, but it is good to know that the Lord is with us, to heal all wounds and make all things new.

Prayer: The power of humankind does not even compare with Your might, Lord. Save us from our own destructiveness, and renew Your creation, which we carelessly destroy. Amen

Friday, July 19, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/20/13

Psalm 53:2.

God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.

The Lord shook His head. He gazed upon His creation, the one he had called good. It had been spoiled beyond recognition. He looked for some of His precious birds and beasts and fish, but they were missing. He called out to His children, but they were busy. He longed to gaze at the beauty of the jewel He had set in the skies, but it was dull and faded. The Lord shook His head, then He wept.

What are we doing to the world of the Lord?  How does our righteousness measure up with where is should be?  If the Lord looked upon the earth to find a righteous man or woman, would He find him or her in us?  Live for Jesus, trying always to follow in His blessed footsteps

Prayer: Make me righteous, Lord. Gaze upon me and be pleased with what You see. Help me to change from what I am now, to what You see I can be. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/19/13

Psalm 52:7

Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness.

 Lee couldn't understand any person who would put their faith in something you couldn't get your hands on. Spirits and angels and super beings in the sky were all fantasy. Now, money, there was something that was real. You could measure the benefits of money, not like God. You never knew what you would come up with, With God. Till his dying day, Lee believed that only fools followed God.

 The wise man understands that the wealth of this age is inferior to the wealth God grants us through eternal life in His Kingdom. Money has its uses, but as a god it is a poor substitute for the real thing.

Prayer: Do not let me be distracted by lesser gods, O Lord. There is nothing in this world that can take Your place. You are the greatest riches I can ever hope to find. Amen

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms for 7/18/13

Psalm 52:2

Thy tongue devises mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully

Ed ran the blade along the cardboard cartons with speed and skill. He broke down the boxes and stuffed them in a crate. He had done the job a thousand times before, and it had become second nature to him. Often he let his mind wander. On this occasion, it was a poor idea. With lightening speed, the blade ran across the back of Ed's hand, cutting deep and wounding him severely.

Just as a blade cuts deep into flesh, unkind words cut into the heart.  A sacred trust has been entrusted to Christians.  That trust is the dignity and feelings of the rest of God's children.  We become our neighbor's keeper.  It is our duty to love and defend them. The tongue has enormous power to build up or to tear down.  How will we choose to use it?

Prayer: May every word out of my mouth be one that encourages, builds up, or praises. Remove from my heart the desire to hurt others by my words. Fill my mouth with Your thoughts and words, Lord. Amen

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/17/13

Psalm 51:17

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Thomas was a proud man. He had never liked admitting that he might need help from someone else. His daddy had taught him that the only way a man was worth his salt was to stand on his own two feet. Thomas had always tried to live by that rule, but now he was at a loss. His wife was sick, and he didn't know where to turn. The doctors were doing all they could, but Thomas felt helpless. Though it felt strange to him, Thomas got down on his knees to pray. Self-consciously, Thomas asked the Lord's help, and in his hour of quiet desperation, he was answered.

God wants us to need Him.  He made us to need help, not to try to do everything on our own.  When times get tough, God wants us to open our hearts to Him, that He might be made real to us.  Call upon God from your brokenness, and He will answer.

Prayer:  When all else fails, I turn to You, Lord.  I should not wait until situations get bad, but I do.  Be with me to help me in the hardest of time, and stay with me in all times, that I might know You better.  Amen.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms for 7/16/13

Psalm 51:4

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.

Sin is not merely doing what is wrong, but doing what is wrong in the sight of the Lord. God has offered us suggestions for living full and happy lives. Our being disobedient to those suggestions doesn't hurt God, it hurts us. God is saddened by out refusal to be obedient, but He is always willing to hear our petition for forgiveness, and He will show us His mercy. When we sin, it is a private matter between God and ourselves.

 Take your sins before God, repent of each one, and glory in the grace of God, by which we receive full pardon of all we do wrong.

Prayer: Forgive me, Lord. Make a new creation out of this old soul. Prepare me for the Kingdom to come, each day of my life. Amen.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/15/13

Psalm 50:14

Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High.

Early Christians suffered terrible persecution, even death, for refusing to bow down to idols. Images of Caesar were prominent throughout the Roman Empire, and all were expected to pay tribute to these graven images. The Christians refused, and so they were thrown into jail, and sometimes they were thrown to wild beasts. God was so important to these early Christians that they could not offer tribute to anyone less worthy.

Only God is worthy to be praised. In all we do and all we are, our lives should pay tribute to God. Nothing else is good enough. Offer to God thanksgiving and praise, for He alone is deserving.

Prayer: Thank You for the gifts You give, Almighty God. From the rise of the sun to its setting in the night, I will praise You for all that You have done. Glory is Yours, Father. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/14/13

Psalm 49:16, 17

Be not thou afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased; for when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him
Shied Industries was made great by one man: Grayson Shields. He devoted himself to his work, and he made a fortune by his efforts. During his climb to the top, he experienced tow divorces; lost both parents, but was unable to attend their funerals because of business conflicts; watched his health deteriorate; and was in part responsible for the suicide of one of his competitors. To his way of thinking, the benefits always outweighed the costs.

Men like Shields are not unusual in our world today. Nothing stands in the way of their climb to the top. Sadly, these men do not realize they have set an inferior goal for themselves. The top of the corporate ladder is far short of the top of the eternal ladder that God has set before us. What does it profit a man to save his life, if he forfeits his soul? Men and women who have sacrificed themselves totally to earthly gain can carry nothing with them beyond the grave. There they will stand naked to face judgment for a life poorly lived. Is it worth the price?

Prayer: Make my life worthwhile, Lord. Set my sights on treasures that never fade away. Get my mind off of earthly blessings and onto the blessings that come from above. Amen.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/13/13

Psalm 48:1

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness.

A journey through the Holy Scriptures can be a thrilling experience. To hear the tales of God and His people is a joy. No one can deny the power of the Scriptures.

 When we find our faith on the ebb, we need only turn to the Word of God in order to find renewal. The greatness of God has touched the lives of men and women throughout history. He still touches our lives today. Spend time with the Lord, and He will teach you amazing things.

Prayer: Indeed, Lord, You are great. Teach me new things every day. Show me the glories of Your world. Help me to know You better this day. Amen.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms for 7/12/13

Psalm 47:1

O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph
What a wonderful feeling. Greg had wanted to tell his friends what he thought for a long time, but he had been afraid they would make fun of him. Drinking and driving was stupid, but he had always done it in the past so he could fit in. Finally, it just got to him. He didn't want to do it anymore. He told them how he felt, and instead of making fun of him, two of his friends agreed with him, and they had made a deal to not drink and drive anymore. His other friends had been as afraid as he was. Sure, some wouldn't ever understand, but that was their problem. Right now, Greg felt great that he had done something good and right. He wanted to shout about it.

When we do what is truly right, we need to rejoice. God celebrates with us, and He will honor our righteousness. To do right is to affirm who God wants us to be. The peace that comes from doing right is wonderful.

Prayer: Give me the courage I need to be the person I want to be. Let me know the triumph that comes from standing up for my values. Let me feel the power You share with those who strive for what is right. Amen.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/11/13

Psalm 46:4

There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.

In the woods of Maine, not too far from the eastern coast, there is a river that flows clear and cool. It winds through some of the most gorgeous scenery imaginable, and carries with it a beauty that is unsurpassed. To see such sights convinces a person of the reality of God.

God gives us glimpses of heaven here on earth, so that we might long for such a place from the deepest reaches of our hearts. That part of us that carries the seed of God responds to His beauty in creation. If we will look at the world with our spiritual eyes rather than our physical eyes, we will begin to see God's glories in many new ways. The gifts of God are indeed abundant. Open your eyes and enjoy them all.

Prayer: I stand in awe of the wonder of Your creation, God. Help me to see beauty wherever I look. Don't let me waste time on ugliness, but turn my attention n to what is good. Amen.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/9/13

Psalm 45:17

I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever.

The sculptor looked at the piece of stone and thought. His mind whirled at the possibilities the stone presented. He could make anything he wanted. He could carve out great beauty. He could create a monument to himself. He could immortalize a great figure from history. He could sculpt a statement of power and dignity. His mind danced with imagination. He began to dream of the ultimate statement he could make. He looked into the sky and saw the glories there. He looked at the trees and flowers. He watched people walking past. He thought of waterfalls and rainbows and beautiful music. His heart swelled full, then sank. What could be possibly carve into stone that would do justice to the world of wonder he lived in? He set about his carving, working with great care and determination. After days of labor and love, he unveiled the greatest work his life could offer. Three letters, finely shaped, lovingly created. The greatest legacy the artist could give. The name was GOD.

Prayer: Make my life a symbol of Your love and a sign of Your grace. I live my life in Your will, trying to be the best person I can be. Accept my life as an offering of love. Amen.


Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/10/13

Psalm 46:1

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

The cross I wear around my neck is not there for show, nor is it the object of my worship. I would not be lost without it, though I do like it. I do not believe it has some mystical power, nor does it protect me. 

The cross that I wear reminds me of the great love that God has for me. Christ's gift of eternal life is made real to me each time I look down at the cross or feel it lightly resting on my chest. In difficult times, I look at the cross and feel warmth and comfort. From its gentle reminder I draw strength when I am weary, refuge when I need to rest. Whether I wear my cross or not, God is with me, but sometimes it is nice to have a small reminder.

Prayer: I run to You when I need rest, Lord. You take me in Your arms and protect me from the pressures of the day. In every time of trial, You are the source of my help. Thank You. Amen.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms for 7/8/13

Psalm 44:20, 21

If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a strange god; Shall not God search this out? For he knoweth the secrets of the heart.

Alan decided he would play it safe. Believe in everything; something had to be right. His home was cluttered with statues and pictures; incense burned in little tin pots. Bibles, writings of other faiths, prayer cards, and rosaries littered various tables. He told his friends he was Eastern Western Unorthodox. It worked for a while, but finally Alan realized that believing everything was the same as believing nothing. Gravity kept pushing him off the spiritual fence he was straddling. What he found was that he was afraid to commit to any one thing. In the end, he committed to nothing.

We need to be careful. Our spiritual lives are very fragile things. They need attention and care. We cannot toss our spiritual selves around too freely. The Lord gave us a need to search and question. He understands our doubts. Be patient. Ask the Lord to grant you understanding, and true wisdom will be yours.

Prayer: I stand at the crossroads of a thousand different paths. I get so confused, Lord. Each road has a sign marked truth, and I know that can’t be right. Lead me down the proper path, Lord. Take me where You want me to be. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/7/13

Psalm 43:3

O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.

The tiny lighthouse sat out upon the rocky shore. Without fail, its bright beacon pierced the night, and its bellowing horn echoed from the rocks, warning ships of dangers and perils. Countless boats strayed off course in dense fog, to be steered from danger by the tiny lighthouse.

True light, sent out through the clouds and darkness, can save lives. A voice speaking the truth of Christ has real power behind it; the power of salvation. Be proud of who you are and all that Christ has done for you. It matters little whether you are big, strong, smart, or powerful. What matters is that you have the truth of Christ to share, and there is no greater force in all creation.

Prayer: May my light shine in the darkness until all darkness ceases to be. Let me reflect Your divine light, Lord, clearing away the fog and helping others come into the safety of Your love. Amen.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms for 7/6/13

Psalm 43:3

O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.

The tiny lighthouse sat out upon the rocky shore. Without fail, its bright beacon pierced the night, and its bellowing horn echoed from the rocks, warning ships of dangers and perils. Countless boats strayed off course in dense fog, to be steered from danger by the tiny lighthouse.

True light, sent out through the clouds and darkness, can save lives. A voice speaking the truth of Christ has real power behind it; the power of salvation. Be proud of who you are and all that Christ has done for you. It matters little whether you are big, strong, smart, or powerful. What matters is that you have the truth of Christ to share, and there is no greater force in all creation.

Prayer: May my light shine in the darkness until all darkness ceases to be. Let me reflect Your divine light, Lord, clearing away the fog and helping others come into the safety of Your love. Amen.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/5/13

Psalm 42:5

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.

Philip fidgeted in the starting block. This was his race. Everyone said he was the favorite. He knew he could win, but something in him was causing quite a stir. His nerves were on fire. He tried to pray, but he felt like he was getting a busy signal. He knew that God was with him, but still he felt nervous. The starter was lifting his pistol. Soon it would be over, and the time for nervousness gone.

There are times when we feel anxiety that will not easily be gotten rid of. That's all right. Even in those times. God is with us. Trust in the Lord, and He will guide you. It is not so important that we feel His presence with us as it is that we have faith in His being with us always. Feelings come and go, but the presence of God in our lives never changes.

Prayer: Be with me, Father, in tense times as well as calm. Let me sense Your loving arms around me, but when I don't help me to remember that You are there, anyway. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms for 7/4/13

Psalm 42:1

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.

The male deer is a single-minded creature. Once its sights are set on its goal, nothing can dissuade it. It will battle opponents to the death in order to succeed. Even for a drink of water, the male deer will not be stopped.

Such single-mindedness is what the Lord desires of His children. The Lord loves to see real commitment that changes lives. To live for the Lord means to give oneself to Him, body, mind, and spirit. As the hart pursues the cooling brook with all that it has, so must we pursue our Lord.

Prayer: You are my goal, Lord. Keep my eyes focused on You. Make sure that I don't turn away. I can have no greater prize in sight, Father, than to spend eternity with You. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms for 7/3/13

Psalm 51:10

Create in my a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

I remember seeing a healthy and diseased heart side by side in one of my college classes. The healthy heart looked strong and fit. The diseased heart was a sickly color, and looked bloated and spongy. That image sticks in my mind. The diseased heart symbolizes for me the sin-sick heart, discolored by evil emotions and intentions, bloated by selfishness, and spongy through lack of love giving and compassion. The only solution for a sin-sick heart is a transplant by the Giver of all new life. God can take a diseased heart and make it new, fresh, and alive. Pray for God to remove the disease of sin, and He will heal you.

Prayer: Lord, I want to be made new and alive. Remove the dead tissue caused by sin and replace it with tissue that is strong and healthy. Create in me a new heart, and renew my spirit within me. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms for 7/2/123

Psalm 41:1

Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.

Curse the beggars! It was impossible to go anywhere without seeing someone with his hand out. Ted refused to look into their faces. He despised people who were always looking for a handout. He worked hard for what he got; why couldn't they? It made him so mad. He rounded the corner and abruptly stopped in front of a young boy cradling the head of his mother in his lap. The woman was obviously very ill. The boy looked up into Ted's face and sobbed one word. "Please?"

All the excuses, all the anger, all the contempt melted away. Ted's eyes were opened for the first time. These people really needed help, and he had the power to make a difference. Perhaps he couldn't solve the whole problem, or even a big part, but he could help the boy and his mother. With new resolve, Ted swore to open his eyes to the less fortunate and give as much as he could.

Prayer: Father, am I doing all I can? In my times of need, I cry out for someone to help me. Make me sensitive to others as they cry out. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms For 7/1/13

Psalm 40:12

For innumerable evils have compassed me about: mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of mine head: therefore my heart faileth me.

Church made Sue feel uncomfortable. She wanted to be there, but she felt so unworthy. Just sitting in the church made her feel like a hypocrite. She asked forgiveness for her sins, and she believed that God gave it to her, but there was so much to forgive. All her life, she had been told that God was great and that human beings were unworthy of the attention He gave them. Sue figured she must be about the most unworthy of all.

Too often we come before the Lord with the feeling that we shouldn't be there. True, we have sinned, but God does not want us to dwell on the fact that we have sinned, but that we have been forgiven, and that we are His chosen people. The love of God is greater than any sin we might commit. God makes us able to look up, because He lifts the burden of guilt from our shoulders.

Prayer: Your grace has made me worthy, Lord. What I could not do on my own, You have done for me. Thank You, Father, from the depths of my soul. Amen.

Wisdom From The Psalms For 6/30/13

Psalm 40:12

For innumerable evils have compassed me about: mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of mine head: therefore my heart faileth me.

Church made Sue feel uncomfortable. She wanted to be there, but she felt so unworthy. Just sitting in the church made her feel like a hypocrite. She asked forgiveness for her sins, and she believed that God gave it to her, but there was so much to forgive. All her life, she had been told that God was great and that human beings were unworthy of the attention He gave them. Sue figured she must be about the most unworthy of all.

Too often we come before the Lord with the feeling that we shouldn't be there. True, we have sinned, but God does not want us to dwell on the fact that we have sinned, but that we have been forgiven, and that we are His chosen people. The love of God is greater than any sin we might commit. God makes us able to look up, because He lifts the burden of guilt from our shoulders.

Prayer: Your grace has made me worthy, Lord. What I could not do on my own, You have done for me. Thank You, Father, from the depths of my soul. Amen.