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Saturday, June 29, 2013


Psalm 40:2

He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.

Gina held onto the branch for dear life. The floodwaters swirled around her, pulling at her, threatening to carry her off in the raging torrent. The pouring rain blinded her, and large clumps of mud kept bumping into her. Her arms ached and throbbed. The last of her strength gave out, but as she let the branch slip through her fingers, a strong hand gripped her wrist. Gina felt herself slide up onto the bank of the swollen river, and she spread herself out to feel the firm ground beneath her.

There are days that feel like a struggle for life. How wonderful it would be to have someone come along and lift us up out of the struggle. God can do that. His Spirit renews and strengthens us. Through the loving power of God, we are pulled out of the darkest pit and set upon solid ground.

Prayer: Lord, hear me as I call out to You. Whether my problems are huge or tiny, I find I need Your help to get me through. Pull me up into Your loving arms, and surround me in Your love. Amen.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Psalm 39:11

When thou with rebukes dost correct man for iniquity, thou makest his beauty to consume away like a moth: surely every man is vanity.

Connie was driving everyone crazy. All four of them had taken on one aspect of the project, and Connie had finished hers first. Now she was delighting in harassing the others for their slowness. Her taunting came to an abrupt end when their boss marched in, threw the report at Connie, pronounced it "unusable trash," and ordered her to do it again. With a flush of embarrassment, Connie returned to her desk, to start over.

Everyone needs to be reminded they are not better than anyone else every now and then. Conceit is a killing vice in the Christian life. God created us all equal. His image rests equally with every human being. Sometimes God needs to bring us back to earth when we get too puffed up. Those exalt themselves will be humbled, while those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Prayer: O Lord, do not let me think too much of myself. When I turn my attention inward, I lose sight of who You want me to be. Let me be honest and open with myself, and help me to find new ways to grow. Amen.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Psalm 38:13

But I, as a deaf man, hear not; and I was as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth.

Simon Peter became the cornerstone of the church, but only after facing some tremendous trials. Jesus walked with His disciples for almost three years, and during that time He taught many things. Peter, who listened intently to all He said, never really understood what He meant until Jesus returned from the grave. When he called upon to affirm his faith in Jesus, he denied Him three times.

We can be so much like Simon Peter. We listen, but we do not hear. We have opportunity to testify to the glory of the Lord, and we keep silent. The Lord wants us to know Him. completely and share our faith with all we meet. Hear what the Lord has to say, and proclaim it with your mouth and with your actions.

Prayer: Break through the thick cloud of confusion that so often covers us, Lord, and speak through us when we have the opportunity to share Your Good News. Amen.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Psalm 38:10

My heart panteth, my strength faileth me: as for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone from me.

Emma was as old as the hills. She had mothered a dozen children, tended a hundred grandchildren, and no one knew how many great- and great-great-grandchildren. She worked every day of the first ninety years of her life, then she decided to rest. In her one hundred and third year, she lost her sight, and two years later she was confined to a wheelchair. For awhile she was resentful of losing her faculties, but in time she accepted it. After all, hadn't she lived more than a full life? Hadn't God given her more family than any one woman had a right to have? When all was said and done, Emma had had a wonderful life, and a few inconveniences at the end certainly weren't going to get her down.

We have two simple options when afflictions strike. We can moan about our fate and give up, or we can face it boldly and make the best of it. God grants us the power to become more than conquerors, if we will only choose to use it.

Prayer: I know there will be times when my strength fails and my will is drained. At those times, fill my heart with Your will and power. Make me a fighter, Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Psalm 37:11

But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

Marchers circle in front of the atomic plant. Not everyone agreed with the sentiments of the protesters, but at least they were getting out and speaking their minds, which was more than most did. One woman was concerned for the future of her children, another worried about the effects on the ecology, and a man carried a petition with signatures of over 9,000 citizens from the area, voicing outrage at the sloppy safety standards. It did not good to sit idly by while others made all the decisions. Peace and safety were worth speaking out for. What is worth defending, if not peace? We live in a world of war and fighting.

Battlegrounds pop up in every nation of the world. Our Lord, however, is the Prince of Peace. How can we remain unconcerned about world harmony? We cannot. Our mission in this world is to spread the peace of Christ wherever we go. As we spread peace, we find comfort in facing the future, and we come to know the peace which passeth all understanding: God's own peace.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Psalm 37:8

Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.

Gordon was still shaking. He had never meant to hit his son, not so hard, anyway. When his little boy looked back up at him, his nose was bleeding and his eye was swelling. The rage of moments before was completely gone. Spent was the anger that had caused the injury. In Gordon's heart a heavy shame rose up, along with a vow to put to rest the beast called anger that lurked within his heart.

We are all capable of great anger. The passion is within each of us. However, we must rule the passion, instead of letting the passion rule us. God helps us control the beasts within. His is a power to set our hearts right and dispel our evil with His own goodness. Ask God's help, and He will help you to cease from anger and strife.

Prayer: Take from me the bent to anger and harm, Almighty God. Reshape me in the loving image of Your Son. Reign in my heart with peace and love. Amen.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Psalm 37:4

Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

I remember thinking, when I first because a Christian, how wonderful prayer would be. All I would have to do was let God know what I wanted, and He promised that I would have it. I began searching my life for the true desires of my heart, and was surprised to find that they weren't cars, money, or houses, but love, peace of mind, and happiness. The more I prayed, the more I became aware that the true desires of my heart were the desires of Jesus' own heart. They had been there all along, but I had never recognized them before.

Prayer is not a way for us to make ourselves wealthy and prosperous. The Christian's mind should be set on higher things. When we pray to the Lord, always remembering to say, "Thy will done," we will find the truth of Christ squarely centered in our lives.

Prayer: There are few people I would rather spend my time with than You. Lord, though often I don't spend time with You as I should. Forgive me when I forget to turn to You. Make Your desires my desires. Amen.


Psalm 36:7

How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.

The chicks scurried around as the rain began to fall. They had been out in the yard in front of the coop. When the storm hit, they flew into a panic. Carefully, but quickly, the mother hen gathered her chicks to herself, enfolding them in her wings.

Jesus used the same image to show His disciples how God would save His children in time of distress. We have no need to fear, for the Lord is watching over us, and He will pull us toward Himself during bad times. The love of God is beyond human comprehension. We need not understand it, only except it.

Prayer: Father of all creation, You care for us in very special ways. We turn to You for comfort and security in a frightening time. Be with us always. Amen.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Psalm 35:4

Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.

Tommy was an angry young man. He took every opportunity to vent his anger at those around him. Anytime he felt the least bit put upon, he would lash out, trying to make others feel pain the way he felt it. Usually people would rather fight back, but occasionally someone would merely take Tommy's assault. At those times, Tommy felt a little ashamed and sorry for his actions.

There are many unhappy people living in the world today. The saying goes, misery loves company. Miserable people spread their misery around. On the other hand, people who possess joy can also share it. Our God shines forth His blessed light in order to destroy the darkness of anger and shame. As Christians, we should reach out in love, not only to those who care for us and build us up, but also to those who devise our unhappiness. They are the ones who need it most.

Prayer: My Lord, You have filled my heart with Your love. Whenever I see sadness, let me try to meet it with a measure of Your joy. Amen.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Psalm 35:1

Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.

We need friends and supporters. Jesus sent the disciples out two by two because He knew how important it was to have someone to share with and to support. Standing alone, we feel like our strength is limited, but the someone else by our side, new reserves of strength surface. Psychologically, we need confirmation that what we believe in is true. Just one other person can give us all the confirmation we need.

It is good to remember that our Lord strives along beside us, never leaving us, pleading our cause at every step. He understands us, loves us, and never turns away from us. Because of the mighty love of God, we can be assured that we are never alone.

Prayer: Lord, be with me this day. Support me in the things I desire to do, and help me to always follow the right path. Amen.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Psalm 34:19

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivered him out of them all.

Carla couldn't believe how things were going in her life. She'd always thought Christians didn't have to face the same kinds of problems everyone else had. What good was being a Christian, if your problems didn't let up? It seemed that since she became a Christian, everything had gotten worse. NO matter how hard she prayed, she never felt God close at hand.

It is folly to believe that God liberates us from all discomfort and affliction. What He does do is give us the will and determination to go on, even in the face of tough times. He works within us to give us peace and strength and courage; those things necessary to get through life. We can be sure that our trails will not come to an end, but the love of God will see that we get through anything that comes our way.

Prayer: Lord, I sometimes feel I just can't go on. Please fill me with the strength I need, both of body and of character. Don't let me give up, but deliver me. Amen.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Psalm 34:14

Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.

Phil was the big practical joker. He would do anything for a laugh, usually at the expense of someone else. Often his jokes lacked good taste, and more than a few caused hurt feelings and pain. None of that fazed Phil. He pushed and teased until many people wanted to have nothing more to do with him. When people reacted in anger to his stupid tricks, he dismissed them as having no sense of humor.

Everyone likes to have fun, but fun should never hurt anyone. Fun at other people's expense is selfish and cruel. God wants us to reach out to one another in love, spreading happiness and joy through the good things we do, not the evil. If we will dedicate our lives to the happiness of others, then our fun will be fun that everyone can enjoy.

Prayer: Too easily I laugh at things that might hurt someone else. There is no joy in other people's pain. Help me to be an ambassador of love and goodwill, making people happy in deep and lasting ways. Amen.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Psalm 34:13

Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.

Before she could stop herself, the words were out of her mouth. She hadn't meant to say anything, but all her friends were talking, so she put in her thoughts. Trouble was, when she began speaking, the girl they were bad-mouthing walked into the room. Actually, she liked the girl, but now any chance they had of being friends was ruined. All because she had been thoughtless and cruel.

James says that our tongues are mighty rudders, guiding the body where it will go. We should be very careful of the words that come out of our mouths. We can do the greatest good, and the most terrible evil, by the use of our mouths. Christians should let the truth and grace of Christ govern their language. Otherwise, terrible problems can occur. Let our words reflect our commitment to Christ, and God will bless us and defend us.

Prayer: Watch me, Lord, that I don't use my gifts for evil. Help me to use my mouth only for praise and encouragement, and keep me from saying things which could hurt someone or lessen their faith. Amen.


Psalm 34:10

The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.

Remember the prodigal son? He thought he was ready to set out on his own, and it almost led to his ruin. He squandered all his wealth and found he really couldn't make it by himself. He had to humble himself and return home, where his father awaited him with open arms.

We need to learn that being mature and independent does not mean breaking our ties with other people. God did not create us to live apart from others. He gave us each other in order to make our lives more enjoyable. We never need lack for anything, because we are to take care of one another. The Lord provides for us through the love of sons and daughters. Growing up doesn't mean learning to do everything by yourself, but realizing how wonderful it is to need other people.

Prayer: I think I am strong and self-sufficient when I am not. I sometimes act as if I don't need anyone else, but deep inside, I know that I do. Put me in community with others who love You, Lord. Make me stronger through the relationships I develop. Amen.


Psalm 33:6

By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.

With a simple breath, inhale and exhale, the Lord brought magnificence into creation. The stars planets that revolve through space came forth on the breath of the Lord. The host, heavenly and earthly, sprang from His mouth. Our world and every last thing in it came into being by His Word. How can the splendor and mystery of our God ever be denied? Our Lord is above all things, and there is nothing that is beyond His control. His breath is within us; the breath of all life. Rejoice.

Prayer: Creator, Your imagination has yielded wonders beyond our comprehension. We stand in awe before Your mighty power. Thank You for finding a place in all of this for me. Your love shines forth throughout all of Your creation. Praise be unto You. Amen.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Psalm 33:3

Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.

I looked at my watch through bleary eyes, to see that it was just after five in the morning. Downstairs a horrendous noise shook the whole house. I stumbled along to find out what was happening. In the family room, the two small children of friends of mine stood, one with a drum, one with a harmonica; a hymnal spread out in front of them. They were, to their way of thinking, playing a selection of inspirational greats. I couldn't help but smile. At first, the children thought I might be mad at them, but their worry faded as I entered the room and began to sing along with their cacophony. Noisy it was, but is was definitely joyful. I'm sure it was the best the Lord heard all day!

Prayer: I make sure that I take time out of this day to lift my voice to You in praise and worship. Fill my heart with songs to Your glory. Remind me of all I should be thankful for. Amen.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Psalm 32:9

Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee.

Miriam did exactly as she pleased, whether it was wise or not. Her stubborn streak was a mile wide, and no one could dissuade her, once her mind was made up. On many occasions she had been hurt simply because she refused to use good sense. Each lesson she encountered she chose to ignore, so very little growing ever took place. In time Miriam grew bitter and angry because her unhappiness grew.

Let's face it: We need guidance. Our willfulness gets us into trouble when we refuse to unite it with common sense. Our Lord is the author of good sense and levelheadedness. It only makes sense that we should turn our lives over to Him. He is faithful to guide and direct us. He teaches and nurtures us, enabling us to be the best that we can be.

Prayer: Break my willful pride, O Lord, and let me recognize my limitations. Needing guidance is not weakness. Help me to see the strength which can only come from depending on You. Amen.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Psalm 31:18

Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.

Lisa couldn't quite believe everything the preacher was saying. He went on and on about how members of other Christian denominations were misguided and on the road to destruction. That didn't make sense. How could the pastor know that he was right and everyone else was wrong? He said that God had told him, but surely God talked to others, too. It was awfully confusing.

One day, everyone who speaks in order to hurt others will have to pay for what they say. So many things are said and done in the name of Christianity that are in no way Christian. Our law is the law of love and forgiveness, not judgment and narrow-mindedness. Ask the Lord to open your heart to those you disagree with and wonderful things will begin to happen.

Prayer: I know so little and I say so much, Father. Help me to reach out to people that I don't understand or agree with. Make me an instrument of unity and fellowship. Amen.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Psalm 31:9

Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly.

Beverly felt guilty that she had not been to church for so long. Somehow things had gotten so hectic, and church had just kind of slipped away. Her husband worked six days a week, and she worked Saturday nights, so Sunday became the only day they really had together. The more she thought about missing church, the more guilt she felt, and the more guilt she felt, the harder it was to go back. She was thrilled and surprised when the pastor came past and told her how much they had been missed. When she tried to offer an excuse, he told her that he wasn't there to scold, just to show concern.

We too often let guilt determine what our actions will be, rather than living as forgiven people. The Lord is more than willing to shower His children with mercy and grace. All we need do is ask with a penitent heart. The Lord will forgive us all that we ask.

Prayer: Thank You for Your gracious forgiving love, Lord. I am nothing without Your loving kindness. Hear me when I call out to You, Father, and be with me. Amen.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Psalm 31:6

I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the Lord.

Elijah looked at the worshipers of Baal with despair. How could they follow such a loathsome god? Where was their integrity? He could not understand how anyone could turn from the love of the one true God to worship something so evil. The priests of Baal paraded around in fancy robes, and they thrilled their followers with petty magician's tricks. They had lost sight of religion through pageantry and vanity. Elijah would show them the error of their ways, or at least God would. When God and Elijah were finished, no one could doubt who the real God was.

Elijah's story from First Kings is the perfect example of what happens to people who lose sight of God and turn instead to worldly things. Vanity kills faith and undermines humility. Look to the Lord in all things, and you will never have to worry.

Prayer: Lord, I am sometimes tempted by the flashy things I see. I forget truth, and I chase after fantasy. Break through my blindness with Your divine light, Almighty God. Amen.

Saturday, June 08, 2013


Psalm 31:3

For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me.

The rabbit tensed every muscle. The fox had caught its scent, and was stealthily moving in for the kill. Timing was everything. The brambles were just yards away, but the fox was fast. As the fox pounced, the rabbit broke into a hopping sprint and wriggled into the brambles. Fox teeth closed on air, mere inches behind.

The rabbit knows where it should go in times of trouble. It is well aware of where its fortress is. Are we as wise as the rabbit? Our fortress is the Lord. In times of desperate need, we should immediately turn to Him. There is no better place to rest and be safe.

Prayer: Never let me stray too far from Your loving protection, Almighty God. I need You more than I even realize. Open Your arms to me, Lord. Amen.


Psalm 30:9

What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? Shall it declare thy truth?

Most people want to be well remembered when they die. We want to leave a legacy of some kind. What will our legacy be? Will it be money, or a building, or a statue? Will it be something that will last a short while, then be done? Why can't we leave something truly important?

The greatest legacy we can leave is a life well lived. As Christians, we need to be an example of how wonderful Christ can be. We can honestly usher in the Kingdom of God on earth if we will devote ourselves to leading Kingdom lives. There is profit in the blood of a Christian. Christ's own blood was shed that we might all inherit eternal life. If God was willing to shed His own blood for us, should we be willing to do any less? God's legacy to us is life eternal. What will our legacy to others be?

Prayer: May each day I live be considered a gift, Father. Guide me, so that at I can live each gift to the fullest. Let others see You through me, I pray. Amen.

Thursday, June 06, 2013


Psalm 30:5

For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Adam wailed throughout the entire ride. From the moment the roller coaster started out, he began to whimper. As it approached its first hill, the whimper had become a roar. The ride was torture for him, but as soon as it ended, he was back to normal.

Most things in life are similar to Adam's roller coaster ride. No matter how bad they are, they come to an end and things get back to normal. God never tests us beyond our level of endurance. He is faithful to see us through hardship and to bless us richly when our trial is through. The night times of our life may seem dismal and black, but there is always a glorious morning on the rise.

Prayer: When times seem exceptionally difficult, Lord, help me to remember that they will pass away. No trial last forever, Lord, and the promise of good things to come is mine. Amen.


Psalm 29:4

The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

Stacy loved going to the beach. At night she would lie awake, listening to the surf pounding on the rocks. Closing her eyes, she would pretend the sound was God's own voice thundering through the night. Such thoughts helped her feel His presence, close and comforting. A voice with such power and might allowed no room for fear. The owner of a voice like that could do anything. Indeed, Stacy knew that nothing could defeat her God; the God who thundered and roared with the greatest of power and majesty!

Prayer: Lord, You are greater than anything else in creation. In nature You display Your power and might. I stand in awe of all that You are, even though I understand very little. Thank You for Your love and protection. Amen.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013


Psalm 29:1

Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and strength.

Scott never forgot where his strength and courage came from. He had battled fires for most of his adult life, and he knew how lucky he had been to never be seriously hurt. He had been in plenty of tough situations, but everything had always worked out. Many of his friends had not been as lucky as he was. He had watched a lot of men he worked with get injured, even die. There were no two ways about it: He had a lot to be thankful for, and he took every opportunity to say a prayer of thanksgiving.

God gives each of us strengths and talents. There is no reason for us to boast or brag. All that we are, all that we can do, is a gift from God. Give Him thanks and praise for all you have. The Lord is good to His children.

Prayer: I can only marvel at the loving kindness You have shown me, O Lord. I thank You for blessing me day by day. Accept my offering of praise and glory. Amen.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013


Psalm 28:7

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song I will praise him.

Karen wanted the semester to end so badly. She was tired and mentally exhausted. Nothing had seemed to go right. She supposed her grades would be fine, but grades meant very little when you felt so bad about all your classes. Better to be done with it and put it all behind. When the end did finally roll around, Karen felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders. Maybe things weren't so bad, after all.

If we put our faith in God, He will see us through the tough time, and we will emerge from our experiences renewed and wiser. He truly is our shield and strength. Rejoice in His great love for us, and lift your voice in praise.

Prayer: Lord, I can get through anything if I know that You are with me. Be close by my side, teaching me the way I should walk. Amen.

Monday, June 03, 2013


Psalm 28:3

Draw me not away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts.

A small village depended on its large neighbor to protect and defend it. The small village had no means to defend itself on its own. For years the large village defended the smaller one, but one day, when the small village needed support, the larger village refused, saying they no longer cared what happened. Actually, the larger village wanted to acquire the land of the smaller one, so they had hired a band of soldiers to attack the little village.

This parable is not a piece of simple fiction, but a startling and sad reality in our world today. Deceit is the order of the day. What will ever bring all the sadness and oppression to an end? The Lord, God, that's who. The Lord despises evil, and one day all evil will be erased. As Kingdom people, we can rejoice in the promise of peace and harmony which God is sure to supply.

Prayer: Lord, search out the depths of my heart, and remove any deceit that You might find within me. Purge my heart of all wickedness. Count me among the number of the faithful, not the mischievous. Amen.

Saturday, June 01, 2013


Psalm 27:14

Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

When I was a few years younger, I began to believe that I would never find another person to share my life with. I had lived as a single more years than I cared to, and I used to pray daily for God to send the right person to me. I said that same prayer for almost seven years. Just at the point where I began to think maybe God wasn't listening, the most wonderful woman I've ever met showed up out of the blue. The Lord worked through the perfect relationship for me, in His own time. Though I battled a continual lack of patience, the will of the Lord prevailed, and I couldn't be happier.

As difficult as it is, waiting on the Lord always pays off in the long run. God knows the perfect solution to all life's situations. All we need do is ask His divine guidance and help, and He will make all things good. Wait on the Lord!

Prayer: Hear my prayers, O Lord, and fill me with a patience that will see me through even the longest dry spells. I know that You will do what is best for me. Amen.


Psalm 27:10

When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.

Zachary sat on the front steps, his chin propped up on his hands. His dad was busy with work around the house, and his mom was doing work she had brought home from the office. Neither one of them had any time for him anymore. There was always something else that was more important. Zachary found himself spending a lot of time on his front steps.

Our world can be a lonely place when everyone is too busy to give time to one another. People get lost in the shuffle. Sometimes it happens to us. We need the Lord in our lives so we never have to worry about being alone. The Spirit of God dwells within each one of us, and for that reason, God is never far from us. When the pace of life threatens to bury you, remember the Lord and reach out to Him. He will not leave you lonely.

Prayer: Lord, I am reaching out to You. When I feel most alone, be close by me. Help me to always be aware of Your presence. Amen.